Viewing the test data generation logs

After the Jenkins build generates the test data, you can view the details of the test data generation from the logs.


  1. Click the build number from Build History.
  2. Click Console Output to open the console for the project.


The following sample shows the logs of the generated test data when you select FILE as the data storage type:

Started by user
Running as SYSTEM
Building in workspace C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\HelloWorld

--------------------- START Build Step --------------------------
Master/Slave details 
System Information : LP1-AP-51837142/
Windows OS

Data Generation information:
Server URL:
Project: testing
Schema: schema
Data Location: 
Seed Value: 10
Root Element: Root:NewType1

Include Header: true
No Of Records: 10
Data Storage: FILE
Output Format: Excel

Status: Starting the data generation..

Data Generation Response is {"code":200,"project_id":"4400","schema_id":"5ebd2915612cae00fe8e48dd","connectionURL":null,"dbSchemaName":null,"message":"Data generation succeeded.","data_location":"5ebd2906612cae00fe8e48db_e584d146-db2e-4b5b-bb15-495b1a53a18a_GLzXjhMqlX_1","timestamp":"2020-05-14T13:14:52.623Z","tableName":null}
Status: Test data generation completed successfully

Status: Downloading the Generated Test Data

Not able to save the file as the location was invalid/blank
File is available in /opt/hcl/hip-rest/output/5ebbc065612cae002d82b141/5ebd2906612cae00fe8e48db/4400/5ebd2915612cae00fe8e48dd/e584d146-db2e-4b5b-bb15-495b1a53a18a/GLzXjhMqlX.xlsx location of OTD Server
--------------------- END Build Step ----------------------------
Finished: SUCCESS

The following sample shows the logs of the generated test data when you select JDBC as the data storage type:

Started by user1
Running as SYSTEM
Building in workspace C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\HelloWorld6
--------------------- START Build Step --------------------------
Master/Slave details 
System Information : LP1-AP-51837142/
Windows OS

Test data generation information:
Server URL:
Project: otdproject
Schema: anonymous_schema
Data Location: 
Seed Value: 10
Root Element: DB:Table:Row

Include Header: false
No Of Records: 10
Data Storage: JDBC
Connection Name: SampleJDBC
Output Format: Native

Status: Starting the test data generation..

Test data generation response: ["code":200,"project_id":"1050","schema_id":"5e830314e4332f0192e3487e","connectionURL":"jdbc:mysql:\/\/","dbSchemaName":"sampleSchema","message":"Data generation succeeded.","data_location":null,"timestamp":"2020-03-31T09:06:48.005Z","table name":"tasks"]

Status: Test data generation completed successfully
Data is written into the database
Connection URL: jdbc:mysql://
Database schema name: sampleSchema
Table name: tasks

The following sample shows the logs of the generated test data when you select MONGODB as the data storage type:

Started by user  
Running as SYSTEM
Building in workspace C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\HCLOneTestData Integration

--------------------- START Build Step --------------------------
Master/Slave details 
System Information : LP1-AP-51837142/
Windows OS

Data Generation information:
Server URL:
Project: testproject
Schema: EmployeeDetails
Data Location: 
Seed Value: 1
Root Element: Root:Employee

Include Header: false
No Of Records: 1
Data Storage: MONGODB
Connection Name: TestMongo
Output Format: Json

Status: Starting the data generation..

Data Generation Response is {"code":200,"databaseName":"oneTestDataDB","project_id":"2850","schema_id":"5efedcb33d358500a1662993","connectionURL":"rockstar-mongodb:27017","dbSchemaName":null,"message":"Data generation succeeded.","data_location":null,"timestamp":"2020-07-03T07:29:06.055Z","tableName":null,"collectionName":"employee"}

Data is written into Mongo Database
Connection URL: rockstar-mongodb:27017
Database Name: oneTestDataDB
DB Collection Name: employee

Status: Test data generation completed successfully
--------------------- END Build Step ----------------------------
Finished: SUCCESS