Viewing the test data generation logs
After the Jenkins build generates the test data, you can view the details of the test data generation from the logs.
- Click the build number from Build History.
- Click Console Output to open the console for the project.
The following sample shows the logs of the generated test data when you select FILE as the data storage type:
Started by user Running as SYSTEM Building in workspace C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\HelloWorld --------------------- START Build Step -------------------------- Master/Slave details System Information : LP1-AP-51837142/ Windows OS Data Generation information: Server URL: Project: testing Schema: schema Data Location: Seed Value: 10 Root Element: Root:NewType1 Include Header: true No Of Records: 10 Data Storage: FILE Output Format: Excel Status: Starting the data generation.. Data Generation Response is {"code":200,"project_id":"4400","schema_id":"5ebd2915612cae00fe8e48dd","connectionURL":null,"dbSchemaName":null,"message":"Data generation succeeded.","data_location":"5ebd2906612cae00fe8e48db_e584d146-db2e-4b5b-bb15-495b1a53a18a_GLzXjhMqlX_1","timestamp":"2020-05-14T13:14:52.623Z","tableName":null} Status: Test data generation completed successfully Status: Downloading the Generated Test Data Not able to save the file as the location was invalid/blank File is available in /opt/hcl/hip-rest/output/5ebbc065612cae002d82b141/5ebd2906612cae00fe8e48db/4400/5ebd2915612cae00fe8e48dd/e584d146-db2e-4b5b-bb15-495b1a53a18a/GLzXjhMqlX.xlsx location of OTD Server --------------------- END Build Step ---------------------------- Finished: SUCCESS
The following sample shows the logs of the generated test data when you select JDBC as the data storage type:
Started by user1 Running as SYSTEM Building in workspace C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\HelloWorld6 --------------------- START Build Step -------------------------- Master/Slave details System Information : LP1-AP-51837142/ Windows OS Test data generation information: Server URL: Project: otdproject Schema: anonymous_schema Data Location: Seed Value: 10 Root Element: DB:Table:Row Include Header: false No Of Records: 10 Data Storage: JDBC Connection Name: SampleJDBC Output Format: Native Status: Starting the test data generation.. Test data generation response: ["code":200,"project_id":"1050","schema_id":"5e830314e4332f0192e3487e","connectionURL":"jdbc:mysql:\/\/","dbSchemaName":"sampleSchema","message":"Data generation succeeded.","data_location":null,"timestamp":"2020-03-31T09:06:48.005Z","table name":"tasks"] Status: Test data generation completed successfully Data is written into the database Connection URL: jdbc:mysql:// Database schema name: sampleSchema Table name: tasks
The following sample shows the logs of the generated test data when you select MONGODB as the data storage type:
Started by user Running as SYSTEM Building in workspace C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\HCLOneTestData Integration --------------------- START Build Step -------------------------- Master/Slave details System Information : LP1-AP-51837142/ Windows OS Data Generation information: Server URL: Project: testproject Schema: EmployeeDetails Data Location: Seed Value: 1 Root Element: Root:Employee Include Header: false No Of Records: 1 Data Storage: MONGODB Connection Name: TestMongo Output Format: Json Status: Starting the data generation.. Data Generation Response is {"code":200,"databaseName":"oneTestDataDB","project_id":"2850","schema_id":"5efedcb33d358500a1662993","connectionURL":"rockstar-mongodb:27017","dbSchemaName":null,"message":"Data generation succeeded.","data_location":null,"timestamp":"2020-07-03T07:29:06.055Z","tableName":null,"collectionName":"employee"} Data is written into Mongo Database Connection URL: rockstar-mongodb:27017 Database Name: oneTestDataDB DB Collection Name: employee Status: Test data generation completed successfully --------------------- END Build Step ---------------------------- Finished: SUCCESS