Get information about an agent

This command returns a JSON representation of an agent.


GET https://{hostname}:{port}
Accept: {contentType}
Table 1. Request parameters
Parameter Type Required Description
agent string true Name or ID of the agent
Table 2. Header parameters
Parameter Type Required Description
  • application/json
  • application/yaml


curl -k -u jsmith:passwd 
  ?agent=<agent name or UUID or agent endpoint ID"

Example response

  "id": "18cc6e9c-0c18-44bc-b34d-53c8609d9c44",
  "securityResourceId": "4c9f52c0-6f90-4e6a-94a9-5a68c8081796",
  "name": "myAgent",
  "active": true,
  "licensed": false,
  "licenseType": "NONE",
  "status": "ONLINE",
  "version": "",
  "lastContact": 1498229460223,
  "dateCreated": 1497277343513,
  "workingDirectory": "/opt/devops-deploy/agent/var/work/",
  "impersonationPassword": "****",
  "impersonationUseSudo": false,
  "impersonationForce": false,
  "tags": [],
  "security": {
    "read": true,
    "execute": true,
    "Add to Agent Pool": true,
    "Create Resources": true,
    "Delete": true,
    "Edit Basic Settings": true,
    "Execute on Agents": true,
    "Manage Impersonation": true,
    "Manage Properties": true,
    "Manage Teams": true,
    "Manage Version Imports": true,
    "View Agents": true
  "propSheet": {
    "id": "42763bdd-66b5-4021-9a57-62ba3dd745fd",
    "path": "agents\/18cc6e9c-0c18-44bc-b34d-53c8609d9c44\/propSheet",
    "version": 2,
    "versionCount": 2,
    "commit": 55,
    "versioned": true
  "extendedSecurity": {
    "read": true,
    "execute": true,
    "Add to Agent Pool": true,
    "Create Resources": true,
    "Delete": true,
    "Edit Basic Settings": true,
    "Execute on Agents": true,
    "Manage Impersonation": true,
    "Manage Properties": true,
    "Manage Teams": true,
    "Manage Version Imports": true,
    "View Agents": true,
    "teams": [{
      "teamId": "8213c4ec-1f66-4b4a-9a73-e24bf8b8102f",
      "teamLabel": "My team",
      "resourceTypeId": "20000000000000000000000000000106",
      "resourceTypeName": "Agent"

Related CLI command: getAgent.