Learn how to extend the function of HCL DevOps Deploy (Deploy).
You can use these REST interfaces to automate tasks.
The following list shows the commands that are available for the HCL DevOps Deploy (Deploy) server.
Resources for working with agents.
This section includes what's new, defect fixes, and deprecations and removals in all releases.
This document includes information about the hardware, containers, prerequisite software, supported operating system, and database requirements with component level detail for the HCL DevOps Deploy (Deploy).
Quickly become productive with HCL DevOps Deploy (Deploy).
A HCL DevOps Deploy (Deploy) installation consists of a Deploy server, a database server, and at least one agent.
Stay updated with latest features and functionalities by upgrading HCL DevOps Deploy (Deploy) server, agents, and relays. This section also provides instruction on how to migrate your Deploy instance.
HCL DevOps Deploy (Deploy) supports integrations with other IBM® and HCL products, products from others, and certain cloud systems.
Learn how to administer settings in HCL DevOps Deploy (Deploy) elements and communication between the elements.
HCL DevOps Deploy (Deploy) uses a flexible team-based and role-based security model that maps to your organizational structure.
Modeling software deployment in HCL DevOps Deploy (Deploy) includes configuring components and component processes and adding those components to applications. Then, you use processes to deploy the components to environments.
Learn how to deploy applications in HCL DevOps Deploy (Deploy).
Provides several different deployment and security reports.
The HCL plug-ins provide tools for creating component processes and integrations. HCL plug-ins provides plug-ins for several common deployment processes, and others are available to integrate with a wide variety of tools, such as middleware tools, databases, and servers.
Notification templates are the basis for emails that the server sends to users after an event occurs on the server. You can create customized notification templates by modifying the default templates provided, or by creating new templates of your own.
Many different programs can run REST commands. To run the command, you call a method on a REST resource and pass parameters or a request in JSON format.
Many REST and command-line client commands have examples in their help topics. A few more examples using various programming languages and scenarios are provided here. The commands are similar for the server.
The way that you authenticate to run REST commands depends on how the server is set up and the tool that you are using to run the commands.
This command requests the agent add a public key pin for a server host, but does not wait for or report the result. The returned maintenance task can be used to query the result.
This command requests a set of agent add a public key pin for a server host, but does not wait for or report the results. The returned maintenance tasks can be used to query the result. Individual sub-requests may succeed or fail independently. A single request may contain up to 250 sub-requests.
This command requests a set of agents set or modify their keypair policy, but does not wait for or report the results.
Agents should be shut down before deletion.
This command returns a JSON representation of an agent.
This command returns a list of managed Java installations for an agent.
This command returns a list of managed Java installations for a set of agents. Individual sub-requests may succeed or fail independently. A single request may contain up to 250 sub-requests.
This command request a set of agents install Java, but does not wait for or report the results. The returned maintenance tasks can be used to query the result. Individual sub-requests may succeed or fail independently. A single request may contain up to 250 sub-requests.
This command requests the agent install Java, but does not wait for or report the result. The returned maintenance task can be used to query the result.
This command requests the agent remove a public key pin for a server host, but does not wait for or report the result. The returned maintenance task can be used to query the result.
This command requests a set of agent remove a public key pin for a server host, but does not wait for or report the results. The returned maintenance tasks can be used to query the result. Individual sub-requests may succeed or fail independently. A single request may contain up to 250 sub-requests.
Rename an agent. Use this command if running the agent configuration script in the agent bin directory is not convenient. Only the administrator can run this method.
Returns a JSON Object with count of agents to status. Expected format: { "ONLINE":4, "UPGRADE_RECOMMENDED":1 } Requires Settings Tab permission.
This command requests the agent set or modify its keypair policy, but does not wait for or report the result.
This command requests a set of agents set JAVA_HOME, but does not wait for or report the results. Each new JAVA_HOME will not take effect until the respective agent is restarted. The returned maintenance tasks can be used to query the results.Individual sub-requests may succeed or fail independently. A single request may contain up to 250 sub-requests.
This command requests the agent set JAVA_HOME, but does not wait for or report the result. The new JAVA_HOME will not take effect until the agent is restarted. The returned maintenance task can be used to query the result.
This command requests the agent uninstall Java, but does not wait for or report the result. If an installation is the active JAVA_HOME or configured as JAVA_HOME, that installation is not removed.
This command requests a set of agents uninstall Java, but does not wait for or report the result. If an installation is the active JAVA_HOME or configured as JAVA_HOME, that installation is not removed. The returned maintenance tasks can be used to query the result. Individual sub-requests may succeed or fail independently. A single request may contain up to 250 sub-requests.
The agent will be upgraded to the agent version corresponding with the server version.
Resources for working with agent pools.
Resources for working with applications.
Resources for working with application pipeline.
Resources for working with application process.
Resources for working with application process request.
Resources for working with application templates.
Resources for working with approval tasks.
Resources for working with authentication realms.
Resources for working with authorization realms.
Resources for working with blueprints.
Resources for working with calendar.
Resources for working with components and for retrieving new component versions.
Resources for working with component process.
Resources for working with component process request.
Resources for working with component template.
Resources for working with deployment trigger.
Resources for working with database latency.
Resources for working with environments.
Resources for working with environment templates.
Resources for working with external approval process.
Resources for working with frontend servers.
Resources for working with user groups.
Resources for working with inventory.
Resources for working with Java packages.
Resources for working with licenses.
Resources for working with user login.
Resources for working with post processing script.
Resources for working with processes.
Resources for working with process request.
Resources for working with relays.
Resources for working with Deploy resources.
Resources for working with Deploy resource templates.
Resources for working with secret store.
Resources for working with server keystore.
Resources for working with snapshots.
Resources for working with agent installation over SSH.
Resources for working with statuses.
Resources for working with system configuration.
Resources for working with tags.
Resources for working with teams.
Resources for working with tokens.
Resources for working with Deploy user.
Resources for working with users.
Resources for working with Vault AppRole.
Resources for working with Vault LDAP user.
Resources for working with component version.
Resources for working with webhook templates.
Resources for working with workflow.
Resources for working with Z inventory.
CLI is a command-line interface that provides access to the HCL DevOps Deploy (Deploy) server. It can be used to find or set properties and to run numerous functions.
Programmatically manage processes with PAC language.
Learn how to troubleshoot some common issues with HCL DevOps Deploy (Deploy).
You can act to ensure that your installation is secure and set up user access controls.