Exporting components

Importing and exporting can be especially useful if you have multiple HCL DevOps Deploy (Deploy) servers, for example, and must quickly move or update components.

About this task

Exporting components creates a JSON file (file extension json) that contains the source configuration information, properties, and processes for the components. For more information about JSON, see http://www.json.org/.

When you export components, applications, processes, or templates, and then import them on a different computer, the same versions of the same plug-ins must be installed on both computers.

Note: Exporting components in this way includes only the most recent version of each component process.


To export components:
  1. On the Components pane (Components ), select the check box next to one or more components.
  2. At the top of the table, click Actions and then click Export.

What to do next

You can load the file into a text editor or save it. Then, you can import the components to another server that uses the same version of Deploy. See Importing applications. See Importing components.