The plugin-javaopts.conf file
The plugin-javaopts.conf file can be used to set the JAVA_OPTS environment variable for automation plug-ins that use Groovy.
By default, the plugin-javaopts.conf file is stored on the agent computer in the agent_installation_directory/conf/ folder. You can use the plugin-javaopts.conf file to set the JAVA_OPTS environment variable for a plug-in that is different from the JAVA_OPTS variable for the agent process itself. The plug-in must use Groovy, and not Java™.
JVM options for optimizing performance
When you run a plug-in step, the agent automatically adds the appropriate Java optimization options to the plugin-javaopts.conf file, if it's not available. For example, if you use the IBM Java Runtime Environment (JRE), the agent adds the -Xquickstart parameter automatically to the plugin-javaopts.conf file.
If you use Oracle JDK or Open JDK distributions, the agent adds the
parameter to the
plugin-javaopts.conf file to optimize the plug-in step run