
Get the compliancy of a given environment


udclient [global-args...] [global-flags...]
  loadEnvironmentCompliancyapp [parameters]


Table 1. Parameters
Parameter Type Required Description
environment string true Name or ID of environment
application string false Name or ID of application (required if environment is specified by name)


udclient -username admin -password admin 
  -weburl https://myserver.example.com:8443
  -application JPetStore 
  -environment "Tutorial environment 1"

Example response

  "id": "1f97af86-cde3-4ba2-803b-0e4580dcc05b",
  "name": "Tutorial environment 1",
  "description": "",
  "compliancy": {
    "missingCount": 0,
    "correctCount": 3,
    "desiredCount": 3
Note: Here, the missingCount is the number of component versions missing from the actual inventory in comparison to the desired inventory. The correctCount means the number of actual inventory and the desiredCount is the number of desired inventory.

Related REST command: Get the compliancy of a given environment.