Create a new environment from template

This command creates and Environment from a template and attaches it to the specified application.


PUT https://{hostname}:{port}
Accept: {contentType}
Table 1. Header parameters
Parameter Type Required Description
  • application/json
  • application/yaml
This command takes a JSON request string or file. Use the following template for the request:
  "applicationId": "Application ID associated with the 
  Environment template.",
  "description": "Description (optional)",
  "name": "Environment name",
  "teamMappings": [{
    "resourceRoleId": "Id of Resource Type to apply to 
  this team mapping (optional, can specify either this or 
    "resourceRoleLabel": "Name of Resource Type to apply 
  to this team mapping (optional, can specify either this or 
    "teamId": "ID of a team, either this field or 
  teamLabel are needed to specify a team",
    "teamLabel": "Name of the team to map the environment 
  to, either this field or teamId are needed to specify a 
  "templateId": "ID of the template to use, either this 
  field or templateName are required.",
  "templateName": "Name of a template to use, either this 
  field or templateId are required.",
  "templateProperties": [{
    "name": "The name of the property defined on the 
  template. Required properties must be included here",
    "value": "Value of the property to set on the new 

Related CLI command: createEnvironmentFromTemplate.