Search Z inventory.


POST https://{hostname}:{port}
Accept: {contentType}
Table 1. Header parameters
Parameter Type Required Description
  • application/json
  • application/yaml
This command takes a JSON request string or file. Use the following template for the request:
  "applications": ["Application name or id. Only one of 
  applications, environments, or components may be 
  "components": ["Component name or id. Only one of 
  applications, environments, or components may be 
  "environments": ["Environment name or id. Only one of 
  applications, environments, or components may be 
  "fileNameGlob": "File names to search for. Either this 
  or versionNameGlob must be specified. Only one of 
  fileNameGlob or versionNameGlob may be specified when 
  filtering by applications, environments or components.",
  "includeInactive": "Boolean: default false. Whether or 
  not to include inactive entries in the results.",
  "versionNameGlob": "Version names to search for. Either 
  this or fileNameGlob must be specified. Only one of 
  fileNameGlob or versionNameGlob may be specified when 
  filtering by applications, environments or components."

Related CLI command: searchZInventoryEntries.