Job Monitor customization
The Job Monitor binary is installed with the IBM® z/OS® deployment tools in the hlq.SBUZAUTH data set. You need the assistance of a security administrator and a TCP/IP administrator to complete this customization task.
Before you begin
- Create a JCL file in a partitioned data set and base the file on the sample in the high_level_qualifier.SBUZSAMP(BUZRJCL) file.
Use the buztool createzosversion command to create the component
Table 1. Arguments for the buztool createzosversion command Parameter Required Description -c true The name of the component in HCL Launch. The component name can contain only letters, numbers, and spaces. -v false The name of the version to create. If a version is not specified, a version name is generated from the current time stamp. The version name can contain only letters, numbers, and spaces. Note: The version name must not end in a space.-s true The location of the ship list file. -verb false To display a trace log, set this parameter to true. For example, the following command creates a new version in the CICSModules component:
As shown, you must enclose all arguments in double quotation marks.buztool "createzosversion" "-c" "CICSModules" "-v" "fixbug100" "-s" "/u/ucduser/build/shiplist.xml"
- Modify the sample file to reflect your system configuration.
- Submit the JCL.