Customizing and verifying the TSO-ISPF client gateway
HCL Launch uses the IBM® z/OS® Time Sharing Option-Interactive System Productivity Facility (TSO-ISPF) gateway when it imports and deploys component versions.
About this task
You must install several PTF Services for the ISPF gateway to function correctly with the z/OS® deployment tools. See the following technical support document for more information about:
- UA77460 - z/OS 1.13
- UA77461 - z/OS 2.1
After you install the z/OS® agent, customize and verify the TSO-ISPF client gateway by completing these steps:
If the TSO-ISPF client gateway is not installed in the default location, customize the
configuration by completing one of these steps:
- If the TSO-ISPF client gateway is not installed in the default location, the path to the ISPF gateway executable file must be included in the PATH environment variable in OMVS. The default location of the TSO-ISPF client gateway is /usr/lpp/ispf/bin.
If the ISP lib file is not installed in the default high-level qualifier (ISP), the ISPF.conf file must be updated with the correct high-level qualifier. The ISPF.conf file that HCL Launch uses is in the agent install dir/conf/toolkit directory
Test the TSO-ISPF client gateway: open the agent install
dir/bin directory, and run this command: time
If the installation succeeded, the result of the TSO TIME command is displayed.
Customize the ISPF.conf file to run your own programs or Restructured
Extended Executor (REXX).
If you plan to run programs or REXX executable files during a deployment by calling a TSO-ISPF command, add the program or REXX executable libraries to the concatenations in the ISPF.conf file. The ISPF.conf file that HCL Launch uses in the agent install dir/conf/toolkit directory. In the ISPF.conf file, make load-module data sets available in the ISPLLIB concatenation, and make executable files available in the SYSPROC or SYSEXEC concatenations. For example, the following ISPF.conf file concatenations load modules for programs and REXX executable files. These modules are loaded: MYPROJ.MYCLIST, MYPROJ.MYREXX, and MYPROJ.LOAD.