Managing loggers

You can add loggers to the root log and set their logging level to keep track of errors and some activities.

About this task

The server stores its log by using Apache Log4j version 2.x (Log4j2). The Log4j2 logging settings are stored in the devops-deploy/server/appdata/conf/server/log4j2.xml file, where app_data is the application data folder. You can edit the Log4j2 settings by editing the log4j2.xml file or from the web UI to change the format of the log and the information that is added to the logs. The log4j2.xml file contains a combination of loggers that prints information of specific loggers into the server's main or root log file, that is, deployserver.out.

For more information about customizing the Log4j2 output, see Log4j2 Configuration.

You can edit the agent's log settings using the agent/conf/log4j2.xml file and the agent relay's log settings using the agent-relay/conf/log4j2.xml file.

To manage the server loggers from web UI:


  1. Open the Logging page by clicking Settings > System > Logging.
    Loggers are listed in hierarchical order. The first one is the root logger, which is indicated by an * in the UI. It typically has no name in the logging library. The other default loggers and log classes are as follows:
    Each logger has a level drop-down that allows you to change the logging level. The following log level types are available:
    • ALL
    • TRACE
    • DEBUG
    • INFO
    • WARN
    • ERROR
    • FATAL
    • OFF
  2. To edit multiple loggers simultaneously, select the loggers from the selection column, click Bulk Actions, set the level as required, and save your changes.
  3. To add a logger, click Add Logger, specify the logger name, it's logging level, and confirm your changes.
  4. To delete a custom logger use the actions column or to delete multiple loggers, use Bulk Actions. The root and default loggers cannot be deleted. Removing a logger reverts the logger to the logging level defined by its superior in the hierarchy.