Viewing logs

You can view logs from the Settings > System page.

Before you begin

To view audit logs, you must be in an administration role, specifically a role with the Web UI Settings Tab permission.

About this task

The audit log contains entries of user activity. An entry is created whenever a user does on of the following activities:
  • Performs an activity that is granted by a security permission, such as creating a component, or creating an application. These activities include permissions granted by the server configuration security type, such as managing plug-ins, system properties, and statuses. Permissions are based on the team roles that are assigned to the user.
    Note: The audit log shows the installation, upgrade, and deletion of plug-ins as well.
  • Modifies security settings, such as creating a role, or assigning a user to a role.
  • Performs an authentication activity, such as logging on to the Web UI, or accessing the REST API.

You can view audit logs, diagnostic logs, and server output logs.


Review the log files.
  • To view the audit log, log in as an administrator and click Settings > Audit Log.

    To filter the log, type in the fields at the top of each column. For example, to view the admin user's activities, select admin in the User Name filter field.

    To show only actions in which an element was created, specify CREATE in the Event Type filter field.

    To remove old entries from the audit log, click Cleanup Log, specify the date and time, and click Submit. All log entries prior to that date and time are permanently deleted. Deleting audit logs creates a log entry of event type Audit Log Cleanup that are non-deletable.

    Note: The activities of the built-in administrator user (with the user name admin) generate entries in the Audit Log page.
  • To view the diagnostic logs, Settings > Diagnostics. The tabs on this page show diagnostic information:
    REST Call Log
    This log shows all the requests that the server receives, including requests from the web interface, the REST API, and the command-line client. You can filter this table by typing values in the fields at the top and then pressing Enter.
    Metadata Indexing
    This page shows the state of the server indexes, which store information about elements such as components and processes. If indexing is not complete, you might not be able to use certain filters or to open certain processes. Indexing happens after certain server upgrades.
    Java Thread Dumps
    On this page, you can export information about the current state of all Java threads on the server.

    To download a Diagnostics Bundle zip file that contains the above diagnostics information, click Download Diagnostics Bundle from the Diagnostics page.

    You can also get detailed logs for processes, including the all of the information and logs from each step. To download these logs, open the process request, and click Download All Logs.

  • To open the server output log file directly from UI, click Settings > Output Log > Download. In an HA cluster, logs of all servers are downloaded in a zip format.

    The HCL Launch server log file is also located in the following directory: server_installation_directory/var/log/deployserver.out.

    The information that is written to the log file is determined by the settings in the Logging tab. You can modify the configuration by clicking Add Logger from Settings > System > Logging. See Managing loggers for more information.

    The deployserver.out log displays the output as below:
    {"ts_utc":"2022-07-07T12:13:44.849Z","ts_loc":"2022-07-07T08:13:44.849-0400","lvl":"INFO","thr":"main","log":"com.urbancode.ds.UDeployServer","msg":"License Server URL: "}
    {"ts_utc":"2022-07-07T12:13:44.884Z","ts_loc":"2022-07-07T08:13:44.884-0400","lvl":"INFO","thr":"main","log":"com.urbancode.ds.UDeployServer","msg":"Database User name: launch"}
    Using the JQ tool, you can see the deployserver.out log output in the following format:
    2022-07-21 17:31:37,274 IST INFO  main com.urbancode.ds.UDeployServer - Cleaning up temp directory
    2022-07-21 17:31:37,290 IST INFO  main com.urbancode.ds.persistence.database.DerbyHelper - Starting Derby...
    2022-07-21 17:31:37,507 IST INFO  main com.urbancode.ds.persistence.database.DerbyHelper - Waiting for Derby to start...
    2022-07-21 17:31:38,060 IST INFO  main com.urbancode.ds.persistence.database.DerbyHelper - The Derby instance on localhost:11377 is started
    2022-07-21 17:31:42,585 IST INFO  main com.urbancode.ds.UDeployServer - Starting HA Lock Manager...
    For more information about the JQ tool, see An example usage of JQ command in a Unix or Linux shell is:
    jq -r '.ts_loc + " " + .lvl + " " + .thr +  " " + .log + " - " + .msg' "deployserver.out"
    Note: The below logging exceptions are ignored by the JQ command:
    {"ex_msg", "ex_trc"}