Server installation properties
The server properties in the file control details about the server, such as what ports it uses.
For example, the server adds
the property, which specifies the IP addresses on which the
server listens for connections. In most cases, the server sets this property to the value
, which means that the server listens for connections on all IP
addresses that it has available. You can specify a specific IP address in this property to limit
the IP addresses that the server listens on.
Property | Default value | Description |
agentcomm.keystore | ../conf/server/s2s-client-identity.keystore | Used with Web agents. See, Web agent configuration |
agentcomm.proxy.uri | None | The WebSocket connection that is used to communicate with an agent
relay. May have the format http://host-or-ip:port . |
agentcomm.uri | wss://host-or-ip:7919 | WebSocket connection that is used to communicate with Web agents. The
WebSocket secure URL must have the format wss://host-or-ip:port . Each server
must have a unique URL, and every server in a HA cluster must be able to connect to this URL.
Web agents use this URL to communicate with the sever. | | HCL Launch |
The name of the HCL Launch component during installation. The default property is required for the installer during HCL Launch installation. The property is essential for determining default values. Note: You must use the default value during installation.
Changing the default values results in the failure of the installation.
| | hcl-launch/server |
The directory where the HCL Launch component
is installed. The default property is required for the installer during HCL Launch
installation. The property is essential for determining the default values.
Note: You must use the default value during installation. Changing
the default values results in the failure of the installation. | | 120 | The time, in seconds, that server waits while it provisions an IBM® PureApplication® System environment. For
complicated patterns, you might have to increase this value. Specify a value greater than the
longest provision session requires. For example, if no provision is expected to take longer
than 10 minutes, specify 900 , or 15 minutes. |
com.urbancode.ds.workflow.copyChildPropertiesToParentContext | true | Set this property to false if you are not using children process properties. This can provide a performance boost. |
com.urbancode.resource.sync.interval | 5 | Synchronizes the resource template changes at a regular interval of
time. Enter the time interval (in minutes) at which the resource sync service runs on the
system. Default is 5 . Setting the time interval to 15 minutes may help in
improving the performance of the system. Note that changes in a resource template structure are automatically picked
up by the resource sync service but any change in the role properties of a resource template
will not be synchronized. |
database.derby.port | 11377 | The port for the Derby database. This property is used only for Derby databases. |
database.type | derby | The type of database. Valid values are derby ,
mysql , oracle , sqlserver , and
db2 .
Warning: Derby is for evaluation purposes only; do not use Derby for a production
server. In addition, if you install the server as a node in a high-availability cluster, you
cannot use Derby. |
encryption.keystore | ../conf/encryption.keystore | The path to the encryption keystore. This parameter is optional if you have an existing installation that you are upgrading. |
encryption.keystore.alias | desedekeyuniqueID |
The encryption keystore alias. This parameter is optional if you have an existing installation that you are upgrading. |
hibernate.connection.driver_class | The default value depends on the type of database | The class name of the database driver, such as for DB2® or
org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver for Derby. |
hibernate.connection.password | password |
The password for the database connection. This password is encrypted during the installation process. |
hibernate.connection.url | jdbc:derby://host-or-ip:11377/data |
The connection URL for the database. For more information on building a database connection string, refer to documentation from your database provider. |
hibernate.connection.username | hcl_launch |
The user name for the database connection. Unless
skip.db.install is set to Y , this user must have
permission to create tables in the database. |
hibernate.default_schema | None | The name of the database schema. This property is required only for Oracle databases on Windows™. |
install.ha | N |
Specify Y if the new server is part of a
high-availability cluster. If you specify Y , Derby is not an option for the
server. In this case, you must specify database information in properties such as
database.type and
hibernate.connection.url. | | The value of the JAVA_HOME system variable | The location of the installation of Java™ to use. This value must match the value of the JAVA_HOME system variable. It must also match the location of the JRE or JDK that you use to run the installation file. |
install.server.dir | /opt/launch-7.1/server (Linux™) or (Windows™) | The installation directory for the server. | | Y |
Specify Y to always use secure connections to the
server. Specify N to allow non-secure connections. | | The host name of the server | If you are installing a stand-alone server, specify the host name of the computer that hosts the server. If you are installing a stand-alone server in a production environment, consider specifying a host name that is not tied to the physical computer. By specifying such a host name, you can expand the server to a high-availability system later. If you are installing a server in a high-availability cluster, specify the host name of the load balancer for the cluster. |
install.server.web.https.port | 8443 | Specify the HTTPS port for the server. The default value is
8443 . If you are installing HCL Launch, UrbanCode Velocity, and IBM® UrbanCode™
Release, be sure to use a different port for each product. If you are installing multiple instances of
HCL Launch on the same computer, be sure to use a different port for each instance. |
install.server.web.ip | | The IP address that the server listens on. Specify to listen on all addresses that are available to the
system. |
install.server.web.port | 8080 | Specify the HTTP port for the server. The default value is
8080 .If you are installing HCL Launch, UrbanCode Velocity, and IBM® UrbanCode™
Release, be sure to use a different port for each product. If you are installing multiple instances of
HCL Launch on the same computer, be sure to use a different port for each instance. |
install.service | None | To install HCL Launch as Windows service, enter install.service=Y. | | None | To install HCL Launch as Windows service, enter |
install.service.login | None | To install HCL Launch as Windows service, enter install.service.login=.\\localsystem. |
install.service.password | None | Enter the password for the administrative user. |
install.service.autostart | None | Enter install.service.autostart=N. |
java.home | Defaults to value of JAVA_HOME environment variable | If Java is installed in a location other than the default location, then
you must update the java.home property accordingly. |
license.server.url | None | Specify the connection information for the license server. This parameter is optional if you have an existing installation that you are upgrading. |
require.token.basic | False | When set to true then tools, such as udclient, will only be able to
interact with the server using authtoken authentication ( --authtoken
3fb19dc4-f879-4684-906b-123456789abc ) and prevented from using the basic
--username --password flags. |
server.agentCommunicationAlwaysEncrypted | false |
Set this property to true to accept connections only from agents that use secure connections. |
server.appdata.dir | The default application data folder is /opt/launch/server/appdata on Linux™ and C:\Program Files\launch\server\appdata on Windows™. | The path to the application data directory. The directory must be accessible to the server, and you must have the appropriate permissions. If you are installing a node in a high-availability cluster, this directory must be on the cluster network storage. |
server.initial.password | None | Specify the starting password for the administrator account on the
server. The administrator user name is admin .Note: When you perform a
silent installation, this property is required enry in file. |
server.keystore | None | The path to the server keystore. |
server.keystore.password | changeit |
The password for the server keystore. This password is encrypted during
the installation process. Additionally, this password is initially assigned to the
encryption.keystore.password property. |
server.userIdAuthScheme | false |
Set to true to enable the authentication method needed
to have a Distributed Frontend Server. Must be set on the backend servers to allow the
frontend servers to communicate with them. |
skip.db.install | N | If the value is Y or yes , then:
tomcat.key.alias | server | The keystore alias name. |