
A resource is a named collection of properties that exists in a repository. Some resources, such as files, have content as well as properties. Some resources are located only on a server. Some are located solely in a client file area. A resource cannot exist in two different locations, but two resources might be so tightly linked that they give that impression. For example, a file in a file area and the corresponding file on the server are two different resources. They are related, but each has its own location, content, and properties.

A proxy object can be used to create, modify, and ultimately destroy resources. After a resource is created, it persists in its repository between invocations of the provider that modifies it, until it is destroyed.

In the ClearCase® CM API, the Resource interface is the base interface for all API Resource types. These are examples of resources:
  • Files in a view
  • Versions in a VOB
The API proxy interfaces form a hierarchy. The root of the hierarchy is javax.wvcm.Resource. These are some of the interfaces that extend the Resource interface:
  • StpResource extends Resource.
  • CcResource extends StpResource.
  • The stp package includes StpActivity, StpFolder, and StpRepository interfaces.
  • The cc package includes CcActivity, CcAttributeType, CcBaseline, CcBranchType, CcComponent, CcControllableFolder, CcControllableResource, CcElement, CcElementType, CcFolder, CcFolderVersion, CcProject, CcProjectFolder, CcVersion, CcView, CcVob, and CcVobResource interfaces.

A resource has a resource type, a unique location (in the form of a Location selector string), and a display name. Each type of resource has a unique interface through which it is accessed.