Naming conventions
Each interface derived from the Resource interface has a well-defined set of properties than can be examined and modified by the ClearCase® CM API. Each interface also has a well-defined set of operations that can be invoked on the proxy to cause something to happen to the underlying resource.
- get, returns a property value from the proxy object for a product resource.
- set, specifies values in an existing proxy object but do not update the product resource.
- do, is an operation that requires a Provider to connect to a server and access the product repository that contains the resource.
Methods that get and set properties do not interact
with the resource. The set methods store their argument values
in the proxy and the get methods retrieve property values already
stored in the proxy. Values are read from a repository using a do method
such as Resource.doReadProperties()
and are written
to a repository by using a do method such as doWriteProperties().
The do methods cause the API to perform operations on the resource, and cause an interaction with the server. Many do methods take an optional ProperyRequest or Feedback parameter in which the client can request the properties to be read from the resource when executing that method. All do methods write to the actual resource any property values that have been set in the proxy since the last server interaction.
The name of each interface in ClearCase CM API package is unique and includes a prefix that identifies the package that contains it. This makes it easy to read code even when not using fully-qualified interface names.