Committing modifications to the repository

To commit your changes to the repository, you check in your files and directories.

About this task

Checking in a file or directory creates a new and permanent version in the repository. It is good practice to check in your changes regularly, according to your local development conventions.

In this topic, you will check in the checked-out file in your ClearCase® view.

To commit changes:


  1. Connect to the ClearCase server.
    Expand the My Views node in the ClearTeam Navigator, right-click on the view called yourname_tut_view and click Connect. In the WAN dialog box, fill in the connection details, and click OK.
    Note: You can also select the view and click the connect to ClearCase icon (Connect to ClearCase Server) button in the toolbar or you can select Connect from the ClearCase menu. In addition, if you are not connected to a ClearCase server and you perform an action that requires such a connection, the WAN dialog box appears automatically.
  2. In the ClearTeam Navigator, navigate to the docs directory under the yourname_tutorial directory.
  3. In the ClearTeam Details view, select the readme.txt file.
  4. Click the checkin icon (Checkin the selected artifact(s)) button in the toolbar.
    Note: You can also right-click the file and select Check In or you can select Actions -> Check In from the ClearCase menu.
  5. In the Checkin dialog box, click OK.


In the ClearTeam Details view, note that the file no longer appears with a checked-out indicator.