To enable the Japanese user interface with

You must explicitly set the language catalog setting to use the Japanese user interface for a base ClearCase® integration with Rational® ClearQuest®.

About this task

The language catalog of the base ClearCase and Rational ClearQuest integration user interface (UI) is set to English by default. This means that if the message catalog language is not set to Japanese explicitly, messages and menus are displayed in English on Japanese localized operating system platforms. When the Japanese UI is enabled, all messages and menus (both CLI and GUI) are displayed in Japanese.


  1. Locate the configuration file for the ClearCase and ClearQuest integration,, and open it in a text editor. You can find the configuration file at \lib\CQCC\
  2. Locate the following line: # &SetConfigParm("MessageCatalogInterface", "CQCC::MsgCat_Japanese");
  3. Uncomment this line by remove the pound sign ("#").
  4. Save the file and close the text editor.
  5. Run ClearCase to validate that the integration UI is displayed in Japanese.


For sites that use a centralized configuration, this changes the message catalog to Japanese for all users accessing that file. By default, the file is local to each computer, but in many cases it is useful to implement a configuration so that all users share one

The setting can be overridden by environment variables. For more information, see To enable the Japanese user interface with environment variables