
Describes contents of a packet


Product Command type
MultiSite multitool subcommand


[ –l/ong [ –endrange ] | –s/hort ] [ pname ... ]


This command lists a summary of the contents of one or more files that contain replica-creation or update packets. By default, the lspacket output includes this information:

  • Pathname of each packet
  • Type of each packet (Replica Creation or Update)
  • VOB family to which the packet applies
  • Creation comment for the packet
  • Replicas for which the packet is intended; if the VOB tag is available, lspacket displays it.

    An asterisk after a replica name indicates that the packet can be imported immediately because it does not depend on any other packet. (This applies only for replicas listed in the host's ClearCase® registry.) For example, if there are two packets waiting to be imported at a replica, the first packet has an asterisk and the second does not, because the second packet depends on the first.

  • Packet sequence number (for one part of a logical packet with multiple physical packets)



Options and arguments

Listing format

Includes the information listed in the Description section.
In addition to the default information, lists the following information:
  • Name or OID of the replica where the packet was created
  • Oplog IDs that indicate the contents of the packet
  • Recovery incarnation of the sending replica (an internal value used by MultiSite)
  • Major and minor packet versions (internal values used by MultiSite)
In addition to the starting values listed by –l/ong, this option lists the ending oplog IDs, if they are available (that is, if they were created using syncreplica –endrange).
Lists only the pathname of a packet.

Specifying the packets to be listed

Lists all packets in all storage bays on the current host.
pname ...
One or more pathnames of files and/or directories.

Each file you specify is listed if it contains a physical packet. For each directory you specify, lspacket lists packets stored in that directory.


In these examples, the lines are broken for readability. You must enter each command on a single physical line.

  • List a single replica-creation packet.

    multitool lspacket

    Packet is: /opt/devops/code/clearcase/shipping/ms_ship/incoming/
    Packet type: Replica Creation
    VOB family identifier is: 94be56a1.0dd611d1.a0df.00:01:80:7b:09:69
    Comment supplied at packet creation is:
    Packet intended for the following targets:
    The packet sequence number is 1

  • List a single update packet.

    multitool lspacket /usr/tmp/packet1

    Packet is: /usr/tmp/packet1
    Packet type: Update
    Packet fragment 1 of 8
    VOB family identifier is: c3f47cf3.71b111cd.a4f2.00:01:80:31:7a:a7
    Comment supplied at packet creation is:
    Packet intended for the following targets:
    sanfran_hub [ local to this network ] tag: /vobs/tests

  • List all packets in all of the local host's storage bays.

    multitool lspacket

    Packet is: c:\Program Files\DevOps\Code\ClearCase\var\shipping
    Packet is: c:\Program Files\DevOps\Code\ClearCase\var\shipping

  • List all packets in a specific storage bay.

    multitool lspacket "c:\Program Files\DevOps\Code\ClearCase\var\shipping\to_boston"

    Packet is: c:\Program Files\DevOps\Code\ClearCase\var\shipping
    Packet type: Update

  • List an update packet in long format.

    multitool lspacket –long /usr/tmp/packet1

    Packet is: /usr/tmp/packet1
    Packet type: Update
    Packet fragment 1 of 8
    Packet identifier is: 946c832c.13d811da.9af0.00:01:80:fd:d8:5d
    Packet fragment identifier is: 946c8330.13d811da.9af0.00:01:80:fd:d8:5d
    VOB family identifier is: c3f47cf3.71b111cd.a4f2.00:01:80:31:7a:a7
    Comment supplied at packet creation is:
    Packet intended for the following targets:
    sanfran_hub [ local to this network ] * tag: /vobs/tests
    Originating replica is: sydney
    The following replicas are referenced by this packet:
      first oplog id is 10
      incarnation is 06/29/95 12:18:09
      first oplog id is 0
      incarnation is 0
      first oplog id is 1
      incarnation is 07/21/95 11:45:20
    The major packet version is 4, the minor packet version is 0
    Packet is uncompressed.