Installing Graphical Editing Framework (GEF)

ClearTeam® Explorer for Eclipse requires that GEF be installed in your Eclipse environment. If you do not have GEF, you must install it before installing the ClearTeam Explorer for Eclipse.

About this task

If your environment already has GEF installed, you do not need to perform this task. To check if it is installed, start Eclipse and click Help > About Eclipse, then click Feature Details. If there is an entry with "Graphical Editing Framework" in the Feature Name field and org.eclipse.gef in the Feature ID field, then you have GEF installed in your Eclipse environment.
Note: You must be logged in as a local Administrator with sufficient privileges for updating your installation of Eclipse or the IBM® DevOps Software Delivery Platform.
Download the GEF Runtime feature that corresponds to your version of Eclipse from the Eclipse website at and extract it into your Eclipse directory, or follow these steps to install GEF with the Eclipse Update Manager.


Installing GEF with Eclipse
  1. On the Eclipse main menu, click Help > Install New Software.
  2. On the Available Software page, select Eclipse-release-version - from the Work with menu, expand the Modeling option, select the GEF(MVC) SDK option, and click Next.
  3. On the Install Details page, verify that GEF(MVC) SDK appears as an item to be installed and click Next.
  4. On the Review Licenses page, read the license agreement carefully. If you accept the terms, select I accept the terms in the license agreements and then click Finish. If you do not accept the terms, select Cancel to end the installation.
  5. If you accepted the terms, when the installation process is finished, you are prompted to restart Eclipse or apply changes. Click Yes to restart Eclipse.