Steps to take before relocating elements

To ensure that a relocate operation succeeds, you must take some preliminary steps.

About this task

The procedure that follows describes how to detect and correct problems that can cause a relocate operation to fail:


  1. If either the source or target VOB is replicated, coordinate the relocate operation with administrators of other replicas.
    Elements to be relocated must be mastered in the current replica and inactive at all replica sites. See Special considerations for replicated VOBs.
  2. (Dynamic views only) Move view-private files out of directories that you plan to relocate.
    View-private files that are not moved become stranded after relocation is complete. Stranded files can be recovered by running the recoverview command, but it is easier to move them before running relocate.
  3. Resolve all checkouts in directories that you plan to relocate.
    The relocate command fails if it encounters a checked-out version in any directory it is trying to relocate. To find and resolve (check in or cancel) these checkouts, use the Referenced Views subnode of the VOBs node in the DevOps Code ClearCase® Administration Console. You can also use the cleartool lsdo and lscheckout commands.
  4. Remove any rmelem triggers.
    Unless it is running in –update mode, relocate uses rmelem to remove elements from the source VOB. If a trigger is attached to rmelem, this step fails, and you must remove these elements manually (see Errors while removing elements from the source VOB).
  5. Establish a working view.
    Use a view whose config spec selects the branch (typically main) on which the move is to occur. The view in which you run relocate must be able to check out elements in both the source and target VOBs, so its config spec must include a CHECKEDOUT rule. After you run relocate, you might need to use this view (or a view with the same config spec) to clean up, as described in Fixing problems with existing views after relocating elements.
  6. Run relocate in test mode.
    Run the intended relocate command and monitor its output, but stop short of moving any elements by responding no at this prompt:

    Do you want to relocate these objects? [no]