Configuring TAS 7.x to support DevOps Code ClearCase

About this task

TAS 7.x includes a Framework interface devoted to the configuration of a DevOps Code ClearCase® service. The Configure ClearCase Service page presents all TAS configuration steps that are specific to DevOps Code ClearCase on a single screen and establishes values for the following TAS service attributes:
  • A TAS service (new or existing) to be used by DevOps Code ClearCase
  • Users with permissions to update DevOps Code ClearCase information
  • A volume for the storage of VOB data
  • A volume for the storage of view data (optional)
  • An authentication method for the service

After these values are submitted through the Configure ClearCase Service screen, a new TAS service is created or an existing service is modified as specified. TAS volumes for VOB and, optionally, view storage are created and at the paths specified in the VOB Storage Area Path and View Storage Area Path attributes. These volumes are made available as shares with names derived from the terminal leaf of the path. For example, a volume created in /usr2/clearcase/vobdata would be shared as vobdata. If the terminal leaf is not a valid name for a Windows® share, the share is named VOB if it is for VOB storage and VIEW if it is for view storage.

In addition to the attributes specified on the Configure ClearCase Service page, TAS configures the service with the following attributes:
  • preserve-whitespace is set to on.
  • Browse master, null password login, and Windows 95 capabilities are disabled.
  • The freespace report method is set to root.
  • Opportunistic locks are disabled.
  • Filename case is set to preserve.
  • umask value is set to 002 (as opposed to the file service default umask 007).
  • Username maps are enabled.
Note: If an existing service is used for the DevOps Code ClearCase service, the attribute values listed above override the previously configured values of the existing service.

To configure a TAS service for DevOps Code ClearCase, select CIFS Realm from the TAS Sphere menu; then click Configure ClearCase Service and complete the steps in the procedure that follows.


  1. Type or select a value for each of the following attributes.
    • Service Name . Type the name of the new service or select an existing service to reconfigure from the list.
    • Linux ClearCase Admin Account. Type the name of the user account on Linux® or the UNIX® system to which the Windows ClearCase server process user should be mapped. For more information, see Specifying the Windows domain for credential mapping of users on hosts running Linux or the UNIX system.
    • NT ClearCase Admin Account. Type the name of the Windows DevOps Code ClearCase server process user account. (This manual uses the name clearcase_albd for this account).
    • VOB Storage Area Path Specify the path of the directory on Linux or the UNIX system where VOBs will be (or have been) created. To browse for this location, click Browse.
    • View Storage Area Path Specify the path of the directory on Linux or the UNIX system where views will be (or have been) created. To browse for this location, select the Browse button.
      Note: This field is optional. However, a path for a view volume must be specified if shared dynamic views are hosted on this server.
    • Authentication — Specify the method of user authentication to the service by selecting the Local, Gateway, or Proxy option. If Proxy is selected, the proxy authentication server must be specified in the text field next to the option.
      Note: Select proxy authentication when using TAS with DevOps Code ClearCase. If you are reconfiguring an existing service, the authentication method of that service is displayed for the Authentication attribute. In addition, if the existing service was configured for proxy authentication, the previously configured proxy servers are displayed as in the text field. If the existing service was configured for Active Directory authentication, the Local option is presented as the default on the Configure ClearCase Service screen.
  2. Click Submit to create to reconfigure the TAS service for DevOps Code ClearCase.