OpenText NFS Client: Disabling MS-DOS sharing

The OpenText NFS Client MS-DOS sharing option is incompatible with dynamic views.

About this task

When using an OpenText NFS Client to access a dynamic view on Linux® or on the UNIX® system, you must disable the MS-DOS sharing option. If you do not, you might encounter errors when attempting to open MVFS files. For example:

ZwOpenFile returned status 0xc0000043

This error indicates a sharing violation.


  1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel. Start the Network program.
  2. On the Services page, select OpenText NFS Client.
  3. Click Properties to open the client configuration window.
  4. Disable MS-DOS sharing.
    • If you are using Version 8.0 or later, on the File Access page, under File Sharing, select None.
    • If you are using an earlier version, under Default Links, clear the DOS-Style Sharing check box..