Exporting multiple VOBs

About this task

If you put each VOB and its export view on the same host, developers working on a non-ClearCase® host are likely to access several export views at the same time. For example, to provide non-ClearCase access to three VOBs located on three different hosts, each of which had its own export view, you would need to create NFS mount table entries such as these on the non-ClearCase host:
saturn:/view/beta/vobs/proj /vobs/proj nfs rw,hard 0 0 
neptune:/view/exp_vu/vobs/proj_aux /vobs/proj_aux nfs rw,hard 0 0 
pluto:/view/archive_vu/vstore/tools /vobs/tools nfs rw,hard 0 0 

The three VOBs can be accessed on the non-ClearCase host as subdirectories of /vobs. For each VOB and view pair, DevOps Code ClearCase operations as checkout and checkin must be made in the appropriate export view. Other operations, such as building and debugging, do not need to reference any view.