Moving a VOB within a domain

Use this procedure to move a VOB to another host in the same Windows® domain or to move a VOB to a different partition on a Windows host.

About this task

The following procedure describes how to move the VOB \libpub from storage directory C:\ClearCaseStorage\VOBs\libpub.vbs on VOB server host \\sol (the source host) to a storage directory shared as vobstg on VOB server host \\vobsvr01 (the target host).


  1. Log on to the VOB’s current server as the VOB owner or privileged user.
    In this example, the VOB’s current server is \\sol.
  2. Lock the VOB for all users.
  3. Stop DevOps Code ClearCase® on the VOB server host.
  4. Rename the old VOB storage directory.
    If you omit this step, the VOB will become available in its old location as soon as the VOB server starts on the source host, which can cause a variety of problems for users who try to access the VOB.
  5. Restart DevOps Code ClearCase on the source host.
  6. Copy the VOB storage directory, preserving all ownership information.
    You must use a copy utility that preserves the ownership information contained in the VOB storage directory ACLs. See Preserving NTFS ACLs when copying a VOB or view storage directory. Use the DevOps Code ClearCase ccopy utility, located in ccase-home-dir\etc\utils\ccopy.exe for this purpose. You must run ccopy on the host to which the VOB is being moved.

    C:\ClearCaseStorage\VOBs> net use E: \\sol\vobstg
    C:\ClearCaseStorage\VOBs> ccopy E:\libpub.vbs libpub.vbs

  7. Replace the VOB object and tag with new ones that reference the new VOB storage directory.
    Use the DevOps Code ClearCaseAdministration Console or the following commands (this example applies to the destination on server vobsvr01):

    cleartool register –vob –replace \\vobsvr01\vobstg\libpub.vbs

    cleartool mktag –vob –replace –tag \libpub \\vobsvr01\vobstg\libpub.vbs

  8. Unlock the VOB.
  9. Verify that all clients can access the VOB at the new location.