Creating a job

You can create a job to run standard or custom tasks.

About this task

When you create a job, you supply the following information:
  • A name and an optional description for the job.
  • The task that the job runs. The task must already be defined in the task registry. For more information, see Creating a task.
  • Any arguments that must be passed to the executable associated with the task when it runs. For a standard task that operates on VOBs or views, you can specify that the task operates on particular VOBs or views, or on all VOBs or views on the local host.
  • The schedule on which the job runs.
  • Job-related events that trigger e-mail notifications and recipients for the notifications. See Specifying job notifications.
  • Whether the scheduler should delete the job after it runs.


To create a job, you can use the DevOps Code ClearCase® Administration Console or the cleartool schedule command.
  • To use the DevOps Code ClearCase Administration Console, navigate to the Scheduled Jobs node for the host on which you want the new job to run, and then click Action > New > Job to open a window in which you supply the information needed to define a new job.
  • To use the cleartool schedule command, type this command:

    cleartool schedule –edit –schedule

    This command opens in a text editor a file that contains definitions for all currently scheduled jobs. To create a job, add a definition that uses the job-definition syntax documented on the schedule reference page. You cannot specify any read-only job properties, such as LastCompletionInfo. The job runs in the environment described on the schedule reference page.