Managing HCL Connections for Mac accounts

You can add or remove HCL Connections or Connections Multi-tenant account information to or from your HCL Connections for Mac preferences to share files and information between OS X and HCL Connections or Connections Multi-tenant.

About this task

After you connect to an HCL Connections or Connections site, you can interact with that site from the Finder window or the HCL Connections icons in the Dock and the menu bar.


  1. Open HCL Connections for Mac by clicking the icon in the Dock or locating and clicking it in the Applications folder of your Finder window.
  2. Right-click on the HCL Connections icon in the Dock or the menu bar and select Preferences from the menu. The preferences window appears with the Accounts pane displayed.
  3. To add an account, click the plus button for the Accounts sidebar. To configure an account, follow these steps:
    1. In the Site URL field, type the URL you use to connect to HCL Connections or Connections Multi-tenant. For example, or
    2. Select Next to proceed. The Connect to Site details panel is displayed.
    3. In the Display name field, type the name that you want to display for the sync folder in the Finder window. For example, the folder is named Display-name sync.
    4. If you are connecting to a Connections Multi-tenant site, your connection details should be pre-filled. You can review the settings and click Connect to complete the connection.
    5. If you are connecting to an on-premises Connection site, you will need to setup the following connection details:
      1. Select the appropriate authentication type from the dropdown list.
      2. Enter your credentials if required.
      3. Click Connect.
    6. Depending on your authentication type, you might be prompted to enter your credentials in the displayed browser window to finish creating the connection.
    7. Click Connect.
    8. Select Add sync folder to FAVORITES in Finder and click Create.
  4. To remove an account, select the account in the Accounts sidebar and click the minus button. A dialog box appears confirming that you want to remove the account.
  5. Click Remove this Account. A confirmation window appears and displays if the removal was successful or not. When successful, the window displays the new location of the previous sync folder.