Enabling traces in WebSphere® Application Server
Enable traces in IBM® WebSphere® Application Server so that you can access detailed information about the application server components, and use it to help you troubleshoot the user lifecycle commands.
- Open the WebSphere® Application Service Integrated Solutions Console.
- Expand Troubleshooting and select Logs and trace.
- Select the server on which you want to enable traces, and then select Diagnostic Trace.
- Click the Runtime tab.
- Click Change Log Detail Levels.
- Set a trace level, select Save runtime changes to configuration as well, and click Apply.
Note: The
ProfilesService.updateUser("ajones141@example.com", displayName="Updated Sample
command updates the specified profile data in the Profiles database and then
generates a JMS Message event. This message is received by the News application, which sends out
separate messages to each application. For each message that is sent out, the News application
receives an ACK
message. To ensure that each update message is processed by each
application, check the event data in the log.The following sample log shows the update that was triggered when the following command ran:
ProfilesService.updateUser("ajones141@example.com", displayName="Updated Sample Name")
[28/04/14 19:01:24:053 IST] 00000032 JMSPublisher 3 com.ibm.lconn.events.internal.publish.impl.JMSPublisher publishEvent
Event data
_er_id: 26c21157-4d43-4534-ad07-d44f86832c91
_er_time: 1272477684021
_er_source: PROFILES
_er_type: COMMAND
_er_name: user.record.update
_er_scope: PUBLIC
_er_related_community: null
_er_actor: null
_er_actor_name: null
_er_actor_email: null
_er_properties: {"updated_directoryid":"S-1-401595654-2584217272-3161732908-1084554606-880431025-3930541184","_msg_id":"0","updated_email":"ajones141@example.com","directoryid":"S-1-401595654-2584217272-3161732908-1084554606-880431025-3930541184","updated_logins":"[\"ajones141\",\"ajones141@example.com\"]","updated_name":"Updated Sample Name"}
_er_container_id: null
_er_container_name: null
_er_container_html_path: null
_er_item_id: null
_er_item_name: null
_er_item_html_path: null
_er_item_atom_path: null
can use a standard event tracing command that can be enabled at source and target applications:
- Collecting from an application server, such as the Profiles application server:
- Collecting from the News application server: