Installing or upgrading Component Pack for Connections
HCL Connections 7.0 now supports the latest Component Pack based in Harbor, an open-source container and Helm registry hosted by HCL for the Component Pack build. Deployments that are new or carrying Component Pack 7 will use this approach for a simplified installation/upgrade process, while releases prior to 7.0 will first need to upgrade to Component Pack 7 using a zip file and a local Docker registry.
When you install or upgrade from Component Pack 7 to the latest, you will need to add the HCL Harbor repository to your Helm CLI so that you can pull container images and Helm charts for your deployment directly from Harbor. For more information on the steps you need to perform for installation or upgrade, see Installation and upgrade.
Customers with credentials to access Connections in the HCL Software License & Download portal may apply those credentials to access Harbor.
Component Pack for HCL Connections introduces several offerings that enhance collaboration and boost productivity. Read on to understand the offerings, what resources Component Pack requires, some sizing considerations for Kubernetes, and information on automating installation or upgrade.