Core error messages

Use the codes included in the error messages generated by HCL Connections to identify problems with IBM® WebSphere® Portal infrastructure and HTTP Server and find solutions.

WebSphere Portal and HTTP errors

The following error messages are generated by WebSphere® Portal infrastructure and HTTP Server:
Table 1. WebSphere® Portal infrastructure error messages
Message Cause Solution
EJPIC0060E: There were no profiles detected for the installed WAS and managed node selected. There must be at least one profile on the existing managed node to continue. Retrieve the install logs for errors and make sure at least one profile exists on the existing managed node. Then try the installer again.
Table 2. HTTP Server error messages
Message Cause Solution
ERROR: lib_stream: openStream: Failed in r_gsk_secure_soc_init: GSK_ERROR_BAD_CERT(gsk rc = 414) If you see a 500 error when using HTTPS over the HTTP Server to get to an application, HTTPS might not be configured correctly with the WebSphere® Application Server plug-in. The WebSphere® Application Server SSL certificate might not be trusted by the WebSphere® Application Server plug-in configured for the HTTP Server. If this error occurs, check both your HTTP Server and WebSphere® Application Server logs to see if there is a GSK_ERROR. If the logs do not contain errors, examine the plug-in logs located in the following directory:
To fix this error, follow the instructions in the topic, Configuring the HTTP Server for SSL.