Welcome to the HCL Connections documentation site. HCL Connections is social networking software designed for the workplace. Its features help you to establish dynamic networks that connect you to the people and information you need to achieve your business goals.
The Tiny editors are alternative rich-text editors which can be installed for HCL Connections™. They provide additional features and extensive customization options not available with the default editor.
Common tasks, concepts and reference information.
Find out about features that are new or updated in this release of HCL Connections.
Learn how to deploy, customize, and administer the HCL Connections social networking product.
Before installing HCL Connections™, study the system requirements, deployment options, and documentation conventions.
To install HCL Connections™, you need to follow a detailed series of procedures.
HCL Connections 7.0 now supports the latest Component Pack based in Harbor, an open-source container and Helm registry hosted by HCL for the Component Pack build. Deployments that are new or carrying Component Pack 7 will use this approach for a simplified installation/upgrade process, while releases prior to 7.0 will first need to upgrade to Component Pack 7 using a zip file and a local Docker registry.
After installation, you need to perform further tasks to ensure an efficient deployment.
Install the Tiny editors: TinyMCE and Textbox.io, to get a powerful editing experience inside HCL Connections™ with a streamlined user-interface and unparalleled customization.
Instructions for upgrading Tiny Editors for HCL Connections to the latest version.
Modify the Tiny editors TinyMCE and Textbox.io to customize your editing experience.
Completely removes Tiny Editors for HCL Connections to restore HCL Connections™ to the base state or to allow a clean upgrade to a newer version.
The customization_path is required when performing most customizations.
Sometimes restarting the common application is needed to ensure all caches are cleared.
The Tiny Editor Services use a configuration file called application.conf, written in Human-Optimized Config Object Notation. These settings can be overridden by JVM environment variables named with the path of the setting.
A list of valid settings for the Tiny Editors application.conf.
A sample configuration for the Tiny Editor Services.
This task outlines the process for disabling certificate validation. Do not use these settings in a production environment.
The toolbar is the main interface of the editor. This section covers how the components of the toolbar relate to the toolbar definition in the config.js.
The default toolbar used by the Tiny editors.
The syntax for the toolbar customization option is written using Extended Backus–Naur form.
Lists all available toolbar groups, menus, placeholders, and commands for Tiny Editors for HCL Connections.
The default list of fonts used by the Tiny editors' font picker.
The syntax for the fonts customization option is written using Extended Backus–Naur form.
The default list of colors used by the Tiny editors' color picker.
Example colors using different formats.
The syntax for the colors customization option is written using Extended Backus–Naur form.
TinyMCE is a modular editor where the majority of features are enabled by loading plugins. External plugins give a mechanism for extending TinyMCE as required.
List of the locations for selectively loading plugins.
The syntax for the external plugins option is written using Extended Backus–Naur form.
A sample configuration file for the integration.
Complete the post-installation tasks that are relevant to your deployment.
Uninstall HCL Connections.
Upgrade HCL Connections and its supporting software to the latest release and then update the installation with the latest interim fixes or cumulative fixes. Refer to the What's New in HCL Connections to review the features in the latest release and gather download links or links to the latest fix list and update strategy information.
Run administration and maintenance tasks to keep your environment up-to-date. For example, learn how to customize your deployment or how to use the wsadmin utility to edit configuration files. You can also schedule tasks, maintain application databases, moderate content, or manage users and their roles.
Customize HCL Connections™ to fit your environment.
HCL Connections™ provides a flexible security infrastructure that supports an open, easily shareable data model.
See the HCL Connections™ Mobile documentation for Connections Cloud and Connections on-premises.
Get information about how to use the APIs provided with HCL Connections™ and how to use Connections Customizer to modify the Connections pages that are returned to users.
To isolate and resolve problems with your HCL products, you can use the troubleshooting and support information. This information contains instructions for using the problem-determination resources that are provided with your HCL products, including HCL Connections™.