Setting an LDAP group to be object store administrator

Set an LDAP group to be object store administrator in FileNet®.


  1. Log into ACCE.
  2. Click ICObjectStore in the navigation pane under Object Stores.
  3. Click the Security tab and then click Add.
  4. Enter the name of the group in the Search text field and click Search.
  5. Select the group from the Available Users and Groups pane and the use the move button to add it to the Selected Users and Groups pane.
  6. Set the Apply to field to This object and all children.
  7. Set Permission group to Full Control.
  8. Click OK and then click Save.
  9. Right-click the ICObjectStore and select Run Security Script Wizard.
  10. Click the link to download the file in the wizard.
  11. Decompress
  12. Set Select a role definition file to the UpdateOSSecurity.json file contained in the decompressed folder.
  13. Set Select a security script file to the SecurityScript.js file contained in the decompressed folder.
  14. Click Next.
  15. Select Object Store Administrators and click Add.
  16. Enter the name of the group in the Search text field and click Search.
  17. Click OK.
  18. Select the check box next to the name of the group and click Next.
  19. The message appears One or more roles do not have an assigned participant. A role without a participant is not processed.. Click OK.
  20. Click Finish.