Setting up federated repositories

Use federated repositories with IBM® WebSphere® Application Server to manage and secure user and group identities.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have completed the steps described in Preparing to configure the LDAP directory.

You can configure the user directory for HCL Connections to be populated with users from more than one LDAP directory.

Important: Ensure that you meet the following guidelines for entity-object class mapping:
  • If you are using IBM® Tivoli® Directory Security Server, decide whether your deployment will rely on the LDAP groupOfNames or groupOfUniqueNames object class for group entities. WebSphere® Application Server uses groupOfNames by default. In most cases, you need to delete this default mapping and create a new mapping for group entities using the LDAP groupOfUniqueNames object class.
  • If you are using the groupOfUniqueNames object class for group entities, use the uniqueMember attribute for the group member attribute.
  • If you are using the groupOfNames object class group entities, use the member attribute for the group member attribute.

About this task

To set up federated repositories in WebSphere® Application Server, complete the following steps:


  1. Start WebSphere® Application Server and log in to the Integrated Solutions Console on the Deployment Manager by going to the following web address: http://websphere_Application_Server_host_name:9060/ibm/console
  2. Click Log in and enter the credentials of the administrative user ID that you specified during the installation of WebSphere® Application Server.
  3. Click Security > Global Security.
  4. Select Federated Repositories from the Available realm definitions field, and then click Configure.
  5. If installing HCL Connections Content Manager, set the realm name to defaultWIMFileBasedRealm.
    Note: After installation has completed, you can change the realm name as you prefer. When changing realms names, the logs might show LTPA errors, and as such the scheduled tasks list should be cleared to avoid errors in the logs.
  6. Click Add repositories and then, on the Repository reference page, click New Repository > LDAP repository.
  7. On the New page, type a repository identifier, such as myFavoriteRepository into the Repository identifier field.
  8. Specify the LDAP directory that you are using in the Directory type field.

    For more information about supported directory products, see Detailed system requirements for HCL Connections.

  9. Type the host name of the primary LDAP directory server in the Primary host name field. The host name is either an IP address or a domain name service (DNS) name.
  10. If your directory does not allow LDAP attributes to be searched anonymously, provide values for the Bind distinguished name and Bind password fields. For example, the Domino® LDAP directory does not allow anonymous access, so if you are using a Domino® directory, you must specify the user name and password with administrative level access in these fields.
  11. Specify the login attribute or attributes that you want to use for authentication in the Login properties field. Separate multiple attributes with a semicolon. For example: uid;mail.
    See Choosing login values for information about the types of login values that can be used.
    Note: If you are using Active Directory and you use an email address as the login, specify mail as the value for this property. If you use the samAccountName attribute as the login, specify uid as the value for this property.
  12. Click Apply and then click Save.
  13. On the Repository reference page, the following fields represent the LDAP attribute type and value pairs for the base element in the realm and the LDAP repository. (The type and value pair are separated by an equal sign (=), for example: o=example. These can be the same value when a single LDAP repository is configured for the realm or can be different in a multiple LDAP repository configuration.)
    Distinguished name of a base entry that uniquely identifies this set of entries in the realm
    Identifies entries in the realm. For example, on an IBM Directory Server or Active Directory, the base entry is dc=example, dc=com.
    Tip: If you are using Domino LDAP, set this field to root. By using "root," you ensure that WebSphere does not use a base entry when searching this repository. The reason that you do this has to do with how groups work in Domino LDAP: by default Domino uses flat groups, and therefore they do not belong to a base certifier. If you set the Distinguished name of a base entry that uniquely identifies this set of entries in the realm field to root, no base is used when searching this directory, and all users and groups from the directory are found.
    Distinguished name of a base entry in this repository
    Identifies entries in the LDAP directory. Leave this field blank.

    This value defines the location in the LDAP directory information tree from which the LDAP search begins. The entries beneath it in the tree can also be accessed by the LDAP search. In other words, the search base entry is the top node of a subtree which consists of many possible entries beneath it.

  14. Click Apply and then click Save.
  15. Click OK to return the Federated Repositories page.
  16. In the Repository Identifier column, click the link for the repository or repositories that you just added.
  17. In the Additional Properties area, click the Federated repositories entity types to LDAP object classes mapping link.
  18. Click the Group entity type and modify the object classes mapping. You can also edit the Search bases and Search filters fields, if necessary. Enter LDAP parameters that are suitable for your LDAP directory.
    Note: You can accept the default object classes value for Group. However, if you are using Domino®, change the value to dominoGroup.
  19. Click Apply and then click Save.
  20. Click the PersonAccount entity type and modify the default object classes mapping. You can also edit the Search bases and Search filters fields, if necessary. Enter LDAP parameters that are suitable for your LDAP directory. Click Apply, and then click Save to save this setting.
    Note: If you are using a Domino® LDAP, replace the default mapping with dominoPerson object classes for person accounts.
  21. In the navigation links at the beginning of the page, click the name of the repository that you have just modified to return to the Repository page.
  22. Optional: If your applications rely on group membership from LDAP, complete the following steps:
    1. Click the Group attribute definition link in the Additional Properties area, and then click the Member attributes link.
    2. Click New to create a group attribute definition.
    3. Enter group membership values in the Name of member attribute and Object class fields.
    4. Click Apply and then click Save.
    • If you have already accepted the default groupOfNames value for Group, then you can also accept the default value for Member.
    • If you changed objectclass for Group to dominoGroup earlier, you must add dominoGroup to the definition of Member.
    • If you do not configure the group membership attribute, then the group member attribute is used when you search group membership. If you need to enable searches of nested group membership, then you must configure the group membership attribute.
    • Consider an example of group membership attribute for using Activities: the Member attribute type is used by the groupOfNames object class, and the uniqueMember attribute type is used by groupOfUniqueNames.
    • Here are the required Objectclass/Attribute pairings broken out by LDAP directory type:
      Table 1. Objectclass/Attribute pairings for LDAP directories

      Required Objectclass/Attribute pairings broken out by LDAP directory type

      LDAP Group member attribute/objectclass pairing Group member operational attribute
      IBM® Tivoli® Directory Security Server 6.4

      attribute: uniquemember

      objectclass: groupOfUniqueNames

      nested attribute: ibm-membershipGroup

      nested objectclass: ibm-nestedGroup


      Active Directory 2012 R2 and 2016

      attribute: member

      objectclass: group


      IBM® Domino® 8.5.3, 9.0.1

      attribute: member

      objectclass: dominoGroup


      Oracle Directory Server Enterprise 11.1.2


      objectclass: groupOfUniqueNames


      Novell eDirectory 8.8 SP8

      attribute: member

      objectclass: groupOfNames


    Note: Select a Scope option based on LDAP type.
    • Select Nested for IBM® Tivoli® Directory Security Server and IBM® Domino® directories. Nested contains only immediate members of the group without members of subgroups.
    • Select Direct for Active Directory. Direct contains direct members and members nested within subgroups of this group.
    For more information about making nested group memberships available, refer to Locating user group memberships in a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol registry for IBM® Directory Server and Domino® and to Authentication using Microsoft Active Directory for Active Directory.
  23. Optional: You will generally achieve best LDAP performance by enabling Context Pooling. To enable Context Pooling, follow these steps:
    1. Under Additional Properties, click the Performance link.
    2. Ensure that the setting Use connection pooling is not checked
    3. Select the Enable context pooling option. The default settings of Initial size specified as 1, Preferred size as 3, and Maximum size as 0 work well.
  24. If you want to support more than one LDAP directory, repeat steps 6-23 for each additional LDAP directory.
  25. Set the new repository as the current repository:
    1. Click Global Security in the navigation links at the beginning of the page.
    2. Select Federated Repositories from the Available realm definitions field, and then click Set as current.
    3. Click Apply and then click Save.
  26. Enable login security on WebSphere® Application Server:
    1. Select the Administrative Security and Application Security check boxes. For better performance, clear the Java 2 security check box.
    2. Click Apply and then click Save.
    The administrative user name and password are now required because you set up security on WebSphere® Application Server.
  27. From the WebSphere® Application Server Integrated Solutions Console, navigate to Security > Global security > web and SIP security > Single sign-on (SSO). In the Domain name field, enter the domain name for the Connections environment, for example
    Refer to Setting the single sign-on domain name for more information.
  28. To enable single sign-on (SSO) for HCL Connections, prepare the WebSphere® Application Server environment by completing the following steps:
    1. From the WebSphere® Application Server Integrated Solutions Console, select Security > Global security > web and SIP security > Single sign-on (SSO).
    2. Select Enabled, Interoperability Mode (optional) and web inbound security attribute propagation.
      Note: You must click Apply before continuing to the next step.
    3. Return to the Global security page and click web and SIP security > General settings.
    4. Select Use available authentication data when an unprotected URI is accessed.
    5. Click Apply and then click Save.
    Note: For more information about SSO security, see Configuring single sign-on.
  29. Create an administrator for WebSphere® Application Server:
    1. Restart the DM and then log into the DM again.
    2. Click Users and Groups > Administrative user roles and then click Add.
    3. Select Adminstrator from the Roles box and then search for a user.
    4. Select the target user and click the arrow to move the user name to the Mapped to role box.
    5. Click OK and then click Save.
    6. Log out of the DM.
    7. Restart the DM and the nodes.
    8. Log into the DM using the new administrator credentials.
    • Ensure that this user ID does not have spaces in the name.
  30. Set a primary administrative user:
    1. Click Security > Global Security.
    2. Select Federated Repositories from the Available realm definitions field, and then click Configure.
    3. Enter the user name that you mapped in the previous step in the Primary administrative user name box.
    4. Click Apply and then click Save.
  31. Log out of the DM and restart WebSphere® Application Server.
  32. When WebSphere® Application Server is running again, log in to the Integrated Solutions Console using the primary administrative user name and password.
  33. Optional: Test the new configuration by adding some LDAP users to the WebSphere® Application Server with administrative roles.
  34. Optional: If you are using SSL for LDAP, add a signer certificate to your trust store by completing the following steps:
    1. From the WebSphere® Application Server Integrated Solutions Console, select SSL Certificate and key management > Key Stores and certificates > CellDefaultTrustStore > Signer Certificates > Retrieve from port.
    2. Type the DNS name of the LDAP directory in the Host field.
    3. Type the secure LDAP port in the Port field (typically 636).
    4. Type an alias name, such as LDAPSSLCertificate, in the Alias field.
    5. Click Apply and then click Save.
  35. Optional: Verify that users in the LDAP directory have been successfully added to the repository:
    1. From the WebSphere® Application Server Integrated Solutions Console, select Users and Groups > Manage Users.
    2. In the Search by field, enter a user name that you know to be in the LDAP directory and click Search. If the search succeeds, you have partial verification that the repository is configured correctly. However, this check cannot check for the groups that a user belongs to.

      If you leave the default Search by field of User ID, then you need to specify a known UID within the LDAP in the search input field.


You have configured WebSphere® Application Server to use a federated repository.