Tagging content
A tag is a descriptive keyword that you assign to content. Use tags to organize content and make it easier to find.
When should you use tags?
You can use tags for all HCL Connections™ applications. Use a tag whenever you share something, update your profile, or visit a wiki or community. For example, if you work in human resources, you could tag your profile with human_resources. Or, if you wrote a blog post about cyber security, you could tag it with encryption, cyber_security, anti-virus.
Viewing tags
You can view the tags in the tag collection as a list or a cloud. The list view displays ten tags, with a number indicating the amount of times that tag has been used. The cloud view displays fifty tags, with the more frequently used tags appearing in a larger and bolder font. Click Cloud or List in the tag collection to switch the display.
Searching with tags
Quickly search for keywords that interest you with tags. Click on a tag name from the list or cloud to search for content with the same tag. Or, click Find a tag in the tag collection and type in a keyword.