Selecting an editor
This option is used to select the editor for HCL Connections™. If the Tiny Editors Selector service is installed, you can choose to assign the editor based on user or security group.
Using a plain text editor, open config/config.js in the extracted Tiny Editors for HCL Connections package.
Note: Use a plain text editor to avoid inserting invalid formatting or symbols into config.js. Do not use a rich text editor such as Microsoft Word for editing configuration files.
Locate the property
such aseditor: 'TinyMCE',
and update the value to one of the following choices:Value for editor
Effect 'TinyMCE'
All users will be shown the TinyMCE editor. ''
All users will be shown the editor. 'CKEditor'
All users will be shown the default editor. 'role-based'
The editor shown to users is set by Configuring the Tiny Editors Selector roles. - Continue configuring the Tiny Editors integration or continue with the installation.