Installing HCL Connections and IBM® Installation Manager in silent mode
Use a silent installation to perform an identical installation of HCL Connections and IBM® Installation Manager on multiple systems.
Before you begin
This task assumes that IBM® Installation Manager is not installed on your system.
Ensure that you complete all the prerequisite tasks that are relevant for your environment. For more information, see the Before installing topic.
Edit the default response file to suit your environment. For more information, refer to Using the default response file.
About this task
Using a response file for your intended deployment, install HCL Connections on multiple systems without needing to interact with the installation wizard.
To perform a silent installation, complete the following steps:
- Open a command prompt and go to the location of the silent
installation file. The file is stored in the HCL_Connections_set-up/HCL_Connections_Install/IM/OS directory,
where HCL_Connections_set-up is the directory or
media where the HCL Connections
installation files are located and OS represents
your operating systemNote: To change the paths to the response file and log file, edit the lc_install.ini file. The file is located in the HCL_Connections_set-up/HCL_Connections_Install/IM/OS directory.
- Run the silent installation script:
- AIX® or Linux™ (root user): ./installc -input response_file -log log_file -acceptLicense
- AIX® or Linux™ (non-root user): ./userinstc -input response_file -log log_file -acceptLicense
- Windows™ (administrator): installc.exe -input response_file -log log_file -acceptLicense
- Windows™ (non-administrator): userinstc.exe -input response_file -log log_file -acceptLicense
where response_file is the full path and name of the response file and log_file is the full path and name of the log file. The default name of the file is LC.rsp.
By default, the response file is stored in the HCL_Connections_set-up\HCL_Connections_Install\IM directory on the installation media.
What to do next
Complete any applicable post-installation tasks. For more information, see the Post-installation tasks topic.
Refer to Post-Installation tasks for more information.