Installing HCL Connections in silent mode (with an existing IBM® Installation Manager)
Use a silent installation to perform an identical installation of HCL Connections on multiple systems.
Before you begin
Ensure that you complete all the prerequisite tasks that are relevant for your environment. For more information, see the Before installing topic.
- AIX® or Linux™:./install --launcher.ini silent-install.ini -log log_file
For example: ./install --launcher.ini silent-install.ini -log root/mylogs/mylogfile.xml -acceptLicense
where log_file is the name and path of the log file.
<offering id='' version='1.7.1000.20131119_2219' profile='IBM Installation Manager' features='agent_core,agent_jre' installFixes='none'/>
To create a customized version of the default response file, run the installation wizard in interactive mode. For more information, see the The default response file topic. Response files are provided for silent installations on AIX and Linux. On Windows, refer to the topics Installing in console mode and Modifying the installation in console mode mode.
About this task
Using a response file for your intended deployment, install HCL Connections on multiple systems without needing to interact with the installation wizard.
To perform a silent installation, complete the following steps:
Enter the following command: ./imcl -input response_file -log
log_file -acceptLicense
Note: The IM_root/eclipse directory contains a similar file called IBMIM.exe but that file is not suitable for silent installation.
where response_file is the full path and name of the response file and log_file is the full path and name of the log file. The default name of the response file is LC.rsp. By default, the response file is in connections_root
Compare the following example to your environment: ./imcl -input <connections_root>/silentResponseFile/LC.rsp -log /mylog/silent_install_log.xml -acceptLicense
What to do next
Complete any applicable post-installation tasks. For more information, see the Post-installation tasks topic.