Configuring Connections Mobile for Activities Plus

Add the Activities Plus mobile app to the HCL Connections Mobile application.


  1. Check out the mobile-config.xml file to a temporary directory such as /tmp/LCCheckedOut by using the following command:
    MobileConfigService.checkOutConfig("/LCCheckedOut", AdminControl.getCell())
  2. Download the Activities Plus icon and save it under the Connections Mobile customization directory as follows:
    1. On the Connections server, create the directory [CONNECTIONS_CUSTOMIZATIONS_PATH]/mobile/img if it does not already exist. You can find the value of [CONNECTIONS_CUSTOMIZATION_PATH] from the WebSphere administration console using Environment > WebSphere variables.
    2. Using a browser, load the image URL https://[BOARDS_URL]/img/logo-small.png
    3. Save this file logo-small.png to the mobile customization directory [CONNECTIONS_CUSTOMIZATIONS_PATH]/mobile/img.
  3. Edit mobile-config.xml as follows:
    1. Find the Applications element and add the following application:
      <Application name="ActivitiesPlus" enabled="true">
        <ApplicationLabel>Activities Plus</ApplicationLabel>

      where [BOARDS_URL] is your configured URL for Boards

    2. Find the DefaultNavigationOrder element and append ActivitiesPlus.

      For example:

  4. Save and check-in mobile-config.xml:
    MobileConfigService.checkInConfig("/tmp/LCCheckedOut", AdminControl.getCell())
  5. Sync the Nodes as required.
    Note: Activities Plus will now display in the HCL Connections mobile app’s application menu, allowing the mobile user to access Activities Plus data that is associated with a community or is standalone.