Pin favorite people and communities for quick access
Pin the people and communities you work with most often to your Important to Me bar for fast access to contact information and shared content.
On the Orient Me home page, collect the people and communities you work closely with on your
Important to Me bar. As you work, Connections will automatically add people you
interact with frequently to the suggested area, on the right of the divider.
![Screenshot of connections important to me bar. Distinguishing feature is a set of filters for controlling the update stream.](images/card_homepage_ITM.png)
![Screenshot of connections important to me bar. Distinguishing feature is a set of filters for controlling the update stream.](images/card_homepage_ITM.png)
You can manage the bar in the following ways:
- Drag people or communities from the suggested area of the bar to the pinned side to maintain those contacts until you choose to remove them.
- Use the plus (+) and minus (-) icons to add and remove people and communities from the bar.
- Hover over a person or community on the bar to view and access contact information for the person or community.
- Click a person or community to filter the update stream so that you only see the content from that source.