Moderating content
Moderate content to ensure that only appropriate, relevant content is being shared on your site.
What content can be moderated?
If your Connections administrator assigns you the role of global moderator, you can moderate the following content:
- Blog entries and comments
- Forum posts and comments
- Community files
You can review content before it is published and approve it to be published, reject it, or delete it. You can also review and manage published content that users have flagged as inappropriate or otherwise problematic.
Moderating content before it's published
If you're a moderator, you'll be notified when a user submits content. The notification includes information about the person submitting the content and a link to their submission.
To moderate the content:
- Click the Moderation tab.
- Click Content Approval in the navigation pane and then select the type of content that you want to work with.
- Review an item and choose one of these actions:
- Approve: Publish the content.
- Reject: Content is moved to the Rejected tab where you can later approve it or delete it. Rejected blog content can be revised by the author and resubmitted for approval.
- Delete: Permanently remove the content.
Moderating content after it's published
If you're a moderator, you'll be notified when user flags content as inappropriate. The notification includes information about the person who flagged it, and a link to the flagged content.
To moderate the content:
- Click the Moderation tab.
- Click Flagged Content in the navigation pane and then select the type of content that you want to work with.
- Review a flagged entry and choose one of these actions:
- Dismiss: The content remains available.
- Quarantine: The content becomes a draft and is not available to readers. Quarantined content can be restored or deleted.
- Delete: Permanently remove the content.
Changing moderation notifications
You can choose to have flagged content notifications sent to all moderators, or to a specific group of moderators. There is a setting in the contentreview-config.xml file which determines whether notification is sent to a moderator or content reviewer as follows:
- If issueCategorization is disabled, the notification is sent to all the moderators.
- If issueCategorization is enabled, the notification will only be sent to the reviewers defined under each issue category.