Adding a blog to your community

Use a blog to share information with your community in an efficient, dynamic style.

About this task

When you are a community owner, you can create a blog for the exclusive use of community members.
Where your blog displays and how other users interact with it depends on whether it is public, private, or moderated. Users and owners can access community blogs in the following ways:
  • Blogs created for public communities are public blogs. In addition to being available to people who join or visit the community page, they are displayed on the Blogs Home page and are available for all to read.
  • Blogs created for restricted communities are available only to the community members. This type of blog is not available from the All Blogs list on the Blogs Home page, but you can view and manage it from the My Blog page.
Note: If you create a blog for a restricted community, but then change the community to a public community, the blog is displayed on the Blogs Home page and is available for all to read.


To create a blog for your community, complete the following steps.
  1. Click Blog on the Community overview page.
  2. Choose New Entry to create the first blog entry.
  3. Return to your community.
    The new entry displays in the Blog area.
    Note: Certain rich-text items that you add to a blog entry appear as plain text if you view them from the community overview page. For example, if you show the details so you can view an entry from the community overview page, links appear as plain text and emoticons do not display. When you open the entry you will see the link in its proper format and be able to view the emoticon.

What to do next

From the community, you can do the following:
  • Create a blog entry by clicking Create Blog Entry.
  • See all entries for the blog by clicking View All to open the Blog page.
  • Change blog settings, such as the title, description, tags, time zone, member access, and whether the comments should be moderated, by clicking Community Actions > Edit Community, and then clicking the Blog tab.
Note: The community blog that you create also displays on the My Blog page. You can edit the settings for the blog from that page as well as from the community.