Performing a silent installation
Administrators can silently upgrade or install the HCL Connections Desktop Plug-ins for Microsoft™ Windows™ from the command prompt. User notification is disabled during the silent installation, except in error cases such as notification of failed prerequisites.
About this task
- Download the plug-in from the HCL FlexNet site download package
- Extract the file.
- Open a command prompt and navigate to the directory where you saved IBMConnectionsMSDeskTop.exe.
- Type
IBMConnectionsMSDeskTop.exe /Options(s) [PROPERTY=Value]
The optional parameters and public property settings are listed in the following tables:Table 1. Optional parametersOptional parameters for a silent install. Optional parameters Description /install Install the plug-in. /uninstall Uninstalls the plug-in. /quiet Establishes Silent mode, which requires no user interaction. /norestart Prevents restart after the installation is complete. /promptrestart Prompts the user for restart if necessary. /forcerestart Always restarts the computer after installation. Table 2. Public propertiesPublic properties for a silent install Public property Description INSTALLDIR Directory where plug-ins are installed. For example, INSTALLDIR=C:\Progra~1\IBM\Connections Desktop Plugins
ADDLOCAL Optionally install components. If nothing is specified, all components are installed. The Windows™ Explorer feature is required and is always installed. Examples: - To silently install just the Microsoft™
Windows™ Explorer feature:
IBMConnectionsMSDeskTop.exe /install /quiet ADDLOCAL=WindowsExplorer
- To silently install the Microsoft™ Office feature:
IBMConnectionsMSDeskTop.exe /install /quiet ADDLOCAL=WindowsExplorer,MicrosoftOffice
- To silently install the Microsoft™ Outlook
IBMConnectionsMSDeskTop.exe /install /quiet ADDLOCAL=WindowsExplorer,MicrosoftOutlook
- To disable Connections 3.0 or 3.01 features on Microsoft™ Window Explorers
IBMConnectionsMSDeskTop.exe /install /quiet DSB_MS30X_EXPLORER
- To disable Connections 3.0 or 3.01 features on Microsoft™ Window Explorers and install the Connections 4.5 plug-ins features for Windows™
IBMConnectionsMSDeskTop.exe /install /quiet ADDLOCAL=WindowsExplorer DSB_MS30X_EXPLORER
DSB_MS30X_EXPLORER If you previously installed an earlier version of the IBM Connections Desktop Plug-ins for Microsoft Windows, this option disables rather than uninstalls plug-in features. If this option is not specified, the earlier features are uninstalled silently. - To disable Windows™ Explorer features of the IBM
Connections Desktop Plug-ins for Microsoft Windows and install all components of the Connections 5.0
IBMConnectionsMSDeskTop.exe /install /quiet DSB_MS30X_EXPLORER
- To disable Windows™ Explorer features of the IBM® Connections 3.0 or 3.0.1 plug-in and install the Windows™ Explorer feature of Connections 5.0 plug-in:
IBMConnectionsMSDeskTop.exe /install /quiet ADDLOCAL=WindowsExplorer DSB_MS30X_EXPLORER
Table 3. Samples of silent installation commands Silent installation commands Description Example Silent installation with restart and INSTALLDIR property IBMConnectionsMSDesktop.exe /install /quiet /forcerestart INSTALLDIR=C:\Progra~1\IBM\Sample
Silent uninstall with no restart IBMConnectionsMSDesktop.exe /uninstall /quiet /norestart
- To silently install just the Microsoft™
Windows™ Explorer feature:
- Reboot the computer.