Setting email notification preferences

Set email preferences to specify how you want to receive notifications in IBM® Connections. You can choose how often you want to be notified about updates from IBM Connections apps and any third-party apps that are available in your organization.

About this task

You can control how and when you receive email notifications by setting preferences on the Email Notifications tab. You can enable or disable notification emails from other users, set the language that you want to receive notifications in, and specify what email address you want them sent to.

When you enable email notifications, you can select whether to be notified about different types of content, and also specify how often you want to receive notifications.


  1. Hover over your name in the banner of a page in IBM Connections and select Settings from the menu that displays.

    Alternatively, you can enter the following URL into your browser to access the Email Notifications tab: http://<>/news/.

  2. To specify the email address where you want notifications to be sent, enter an address in the Send emails to this address field.

    You cannot edit this field if your administrator has configured your deployment to prevent email notifications from being sent to an address that is different from your regular work email address.

  3. To enable notifications from other users, select Receive notifications from other people by email.
  4. Select the language in which you want email notifications to be sent from the Email language list.

    The options available depend on what your administrator has configured for your deployment.

  5. Specify how often you want to be notified about responses to content that you create yourself.
    To disable notifications about content that you create yourself, select No Email.
  6. Specify how often you want to be notified about the people and content that you are following.
    To disable notifications about people and content that you are following, select No Email.
    Note: Assume that you specify the following configuration:
    • You want to receive individual emails for files that you are following.
    • You also want a daily newsletter for communities.
    You then upload a file and share it with the community. You are now following the file and the community it is shared with but you have different notification preferences for both. In this case the community preference takes precedence; you receive notifications about updates to this file in the Daily newsletter digest email.
  7. Click Save to save your preferences.

What to do next

If you want to return to the default email notification preferences, access the Email Notifications tab by using the information in step 1, and then click Restore Defaults.