Adding an ideation blog to your community

If you are a community owner, you can add ideation blogs to your community to enable members to share and vote on ideas that are relevant to the community. A community can have multiple ideation blogs.

About this task

An ideation blog is a place where community members can share and promote ideas in a dynamic way. By capturing ideas in a central location, you can use the creativity of your members and encourage them to brainstorm, develop, and refine innovative concepts that support the community's goals.

Ideation blogs belonging to public communities are visible to everybody. Ideation blogs created for restricted communities are visible to community members only.


To create an ideation blog for your community, complete the following steps.
  1. Select Ideation Blog in the community's overview page.
  2. Click Start an Ideation Blog.
  3. Complete details for your ideation blog, such as blog name and address and click Save.


As community members start to add content to the ideation blog, this area displays a summary of the latest idea updates and shows how many comments, visits, and votes each idea receives.

An Ideation Blog link also displays in the navigation sidebar, click this link to open the ideation blog. The first ideation blog is automatically given the same name as the community.

For more information about how to work with your ideation blog, click the Help link in the navigation bar. You can return to the community at any time by using the navigation links that display at the side of the page.

What to do next

From the community, you can take the following actions:
  • Add an idea to the ideation blog by clicking New Idea under Ideation Blog.
  • Select an idea from the Ideation Blog area to open it and review it in more detail.
  • View all the ideas added by community members by clicking View All to open the ideation blog.
  • Select Ideation Blog from the navigation to access more options for working with the ideation blog.
  • Add another Ideation Blog.

For information about how to manage your ideation blog to effectively control idea creation and voting, see Managing your community's ideation blog.