Posting ideas to an ideation blog

Update an ideation blog in your community to share your latest ideas with fellow community members.

Before you begin

You must be a community member to contribute an idea to an ideation blog.

About this task

If your community has ideation blogs and you have the appropriate access level, you can add your own ideas directly from the community.


  1. Open the community's Overview page.
  2. In the Ideation Blog area, click Contribute an idea. The New Idea form opens in the Blogs user interface.
  3. Optional: If your community has multiple ideation blogs, select the ideation blog you want to contribute to from the Create a new idea in Ideation Blog: drop-down.
  4. Enter a title in the Title field.
  5. Click Add Tags to add keywords that categorize your idea and make it easier to find later.
  6. Enter your idea in the Idea text field.
  7. Click Advanced Settings to control the following settings:
    • Allow characters to be converted into emoticons.
    • Delay posting an idea until a time and date that you specify.
    • Limit the number of days for posting comments for the idea.
    • Include an external media link, such as a video.
  8. Do one of the following:
    • To publish your idea, click Post.
    • To save your idea as a draft without publishing it, click Save as Draft.
    • To review your idea before posting it, click Preview.

What to do next

You can vote and comment on other people's ideas in the ideation blog, or graduate your own ideas when you think they have enough support from the community. For more information about what you can do with ideas, see Using an Ideation Blog. You can also click the Help link.

When you are finished working with the ideation blog, you can return to the community by clicking any of the community page links in the navigation.