Creating a blog entry

You can contribute to your community blog when you have author or draft permission.

About this task

The permission that you are granted by the community owner controls whether you can post an entry to the blog or whether you can create a draft entry that must be approved by the owner before it gets posted.
  • Author permission allows members to post entries to the blog.
  • Draft permission allows members to save draft entries only.
  • Viewer permission allows members to read blog entries.


When you have the appropriate permission, you can create a blog entry by completing the following steps.
  1. Click New Entry in the Blog section of the community's Overview page.
  2. Enter a title for your entry.
  3. Click Add Tags to add keywords that describe your entry.
  4. Enter the content of your blog entry in the rich text field provided.
  5. Click Advanced Settings to control the following settings:
    • Allow characters to be converted into emoticons.
    • Delay posting the entry to the blog until a time and date that you specify.
    • Limit the number of days for posting comments to the entry.
    • Specify a custom URL for the entry.
    • Include an external media link, such as a video, in the entry.
  6. Click Post to publish your entry to the blog or Preview to review your entry before posting.
    When you have draft permission, the options available to you are Submit for Review and Save as Draft.