After you add a blog to a community, you can manage access
to the blog, hide the blog, or remove it from the community.
Before you begin
You must be a community owner to edit, hide, or remove a community
blog, or to change the blog membership.
About this task
When you first create a community blog, all members of the
community are granted author access by default. Depending on your
community, you might want to change the access level for your members. Note
access is always community-wide. Community owners are always blog
owners and have full access to post entries and can also manage the
blog and its users. Community owners can also grant permissions to
other members. All other community members can have one of the following
roles:Table 1. Community blog roles
Author |
Allows user to post entries, but not to manage
the blog. Users with this role can also edit and delete other users'
entries. |
Draft |
Allows user to save draft entries only. |
Viewer |
Allows users to read blog posts but not to contribute
to the blog. |
In addition to managing access to the community blog, you
can also hide blog activity or delete the blog from the community.
You can manage the community blog as follows:
Note: You must be logged
in to Connections to perform management tasks
for your community blog.