Worksheet for installing IBM Connections

Record your installation and configuration data.

Recording installation data

While installing and configuring IBM® Connections, it can be difficult to remember all the user IDs, passwords, server names, and other information that you need during and after installation. Print out and use this worksheet to record that data.

Refer to the Detailed system requirements for IBM Connections to find the latest, supported versions of software included in the following tables.

LDAP server details

Table 1. LDAP server details
LDAP data type Details
LDAP server type and version
Primary host name For example:
Port For example: 389
Bind distinguished name For example: cn=lcadmin,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
Bind password
Certificate mapping
Certificate filter
Login attribute For example: mail or uid

WebSphere® Application Server details

Table 2. WebSphere Application Server details
WebSphere Application Server item Details
WebSphere Application Server version
Installation location For example: C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer
Update installer location For example: C:\IBM\WebSphere\UpdateInstaller
Administrator ID For example: wsadmin
Administrator password
WebSphere Application Server URL For example:
WebSphere Application Server secure URL For example:
WebSphere Application Server host name
HTTP transport port
HTTPS transport port
SOAP connector port
Run application server as a service? (True/False)

Database details

Table 3. Database server details
Database item Details
Database type and version
Database instance or service name
Database server host name For example:
Port The default values are: DB2=50000; Oracle=1433; MS SQL Server=1523.
JDBC driver fully qualified file path For example: C:\IBM\SQLLIB
Database client name and version For example: Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0
Database client user ID The default is db2admin.
Database client user password
DB2® administrators group (Windows™ only) The default is DB2ADMNS.
DB2 users group (Windows only) The default is DB2USERS.
Activities database server host name
Activities database server port number
Activities database name. The default name is OPNACT.
Activities database application user ID
Activities database application user password
Blogs database server host name
Blogs database server port number
Blogs database name. The default name is BLOGS.
Blogs database application user ID
Blogs database application user password
Cognos® database server host name
Cognos database server port number
Cognos database name. The default name is COGNOS.
Cognos database application user ID
Cognos database application user password
Communities database server host name
Communities database server port number
Communities database name The default name is SNCOMM.
Communities database application user ID
Communities database application user password
Dogear database server host name
Dogear database server port number
Dogear database name. The default name is DOGEAR.
Dogear database application user ID
Dogear database application user password
Files database server host name
Files database server port number
Files database name. The default name is FILES.
Files database application user ID
Files database application user password
Forums database server host name
Forums database server port number
Forums database name. The default name is FORUM.
Forums database application user ID
Forums database application user password
Home page database server host name
Home page database server port number
Home page database name. The default name is HOMEPAGE.
Home page database application user ID
Home page database application user password
Metrics database server host name
Metrics database server port number
Metrics database name. The default name is METRICS.
Metrics database application user ID
Metrics database application user password
Mobile database server host name
Mobile database server port number
Mobile database name. The default name is MOBILE.
Mobile database application user ID
Mobile database application user password
Profiles database server host name
Profiles database server port number
Profiles database name. The default name is PEOPLEDB.
Profiles database application user ID
Profiles database application user password
Push Notification database (PNS)
Wikis database server host name
Wikis database server port number
Wikis database name. The default name is WIKIS.
Wikis database application user ID
Wikis database application user password

Tivoli® Directory Integrator details

Table 4. Tivoli Directory Integrator details
Tivoli Directory Integrator item Details
Tivoli Directory Integrator installation location For example: C:\IBM\TDI\
Tivoli Directory Integrator version
Solutions Directory path For example: C:\IBM\TDISOL\TDI

LDAP-Profiles mapping details

Note: This table is derived from the file.
Table 5. LDAP-Profiles mapping details
Profiles database attribute LDAP attribute (example) Profiles database column
alternateLastname null PROF_ALTERNATE_LAST_NAME
blogUrl null PROF_BLOG_URL
calendarUrl null PROF_CALENDAR_URL
courtesyTitle null PROF_COURTESY_TITLE
description description PROF_DESCRIPTION
displayName cn PROF_DISPLAY_NAME
distinguishedName $dn PROF_SOURCE_UID
email mail PROF_MAIL
employeeNumber employeenumber PROF_EMPLOYEE_NUMBER
employeeTypeCode employeetype PROF_EMPLOYEE_TYPE
experience null PROF_EXPERIENCE
faxNumber facsimiletelephonenumber PROF_FAX_TELEPHONE_NUMBER
floor null PROF_FLOOR
freeBusyUrl null PROF_FREEBUSY_URL
givenName givenName PROF_GIVEN_NAME
givenNames givenName
groupwareEmail null PROF_GROUPWARE_EMAIL
guid (Javascript function: {func_map_from_GUID}) PROF_GUID
ipTelephoneNumber null PROF_IP_TELEPHONE_NUMBER
isManager null PROF_IS_MANAGER
loginId employeenumber PROF_LOGIN and PROF_LOGIN_LOWER
logins mail PROF_LOGIN
managerUid $manager_uid
Note: This attribute represents a lookup of the UID of a manager using DN in the manager field.
mobileNumber mobile PROF_MOBILE
nativeFirstName null PROF_NATIVE_FIRST_NAME
nativeLastName null PROF_NATIVE_LAST_NAME
officeName physicaldeliveryofficename PROF_PHYSICAL_DELIVERY_OFFICE
pagerId null PROF_PAGER_ID
pagerNumber null PROF_PAGER
pagerServiceProvider null PROF_PAGER_SERVICE_PROVIDER
pagerType null PROF_PAGER_TYPE
preferredFirstName null PROF_PREFERRED_FIRST_NAME
preferredLanguage preferredlanguage PROF_PREFERRED_LANGUAGE
profileType null PROF_TYPE
secretaryUid $secretaryUid
Note: This attribute represents a lookup of the UID of a secretary using DN in the secretary field.
shift null PROF_SHIFT
surname sn PROF_SURNAME
surnames sn PROF_SURNAME
telephoneNumber telephonenumber PROF_TELEPHONE_NUMBER
timezone null PROF_TIMEZONE
title null PROF_TITLE
uid (Javascript function - {func_map_to_db_UID}) PROF_UID
workLocationCode postallocation PROF_WORK_LOCATION

IBM Connections details

Table 6. IBM Connections details
IBM Connections item Details
IBM Connections installation location, such as: C:\IBM\Connections
Response file directory path. For example: C:\IBM\Connections\InstallResponse.txt
DNS host name, such as:
Choose: DNS MX Records or Java™ Mail Session?
DNS MX Records only: Local mail domain For example:
Java Mail Session only: DNS server name or SMTP relay host For example:;
Domain name for Reply-to email address
Suffix or prefix for Reply-to email address
Server that receives Reply-to emails
User name and password for that server
Connections administrative user (not connectionsAdmin user role, but admin user role for Blogs, Files, CCM, Wikis )
global moderator
URL and ports for admin and user access
Note: You can look up the URLs for each application in the text files that the installation wizard generates. These files are located under the connections_root directory.
Activities server name
Activities cluster member name
Activities URL For example:
Activities secure URL For example:
Activities statistics files directory path
Activities content files directory path
Blogs server name
Blogs cluster member name
Blogs URL For example:
Blogs secure URL For example:
Blogs upload files directory path
Bookmarks server name
Bookmarks cluster member name
Bookmarks URL For example:
Bookmarks secure URL For example:
Bookmarks favicon files directory path
Communities server name
Communities cluster member name
Communities URL For example:
Communities secure URL For example:
Communities statistics files directory path
Communities discussion forum content directory path
Files server name
Files cluster member name
Files URL For example:
Files secure URL For example:
Files content store directory path
Forums server name
Forums cluster member name
Forums URL For example:
Forums secure URL For example:
Forums content store directory path
Home page server name
Home page cluster member name
Home page URL For example:
Home page secure URL For example:
Home page content store directory path
Metrics server name
Metrics cluster member name
Moderation server name
Moderation cluster member name
Moderation URL For example:
Moderation secure URL For example:
Profiles server name
Profiles cluster member name
Profiles URL For example:
Profiles secure URL For example:
Profiles statistics files directory path
Profiles cache directory path
Search server name
Search cluster member name
Search dictionary directory path
Search index directory path
Wikis server name
Wikis cluster member name
Wikis URL For example:
Wikis secure URL For example:
Wikis content directory path


Table 7. IBM HTTP Server details
IBM HTTP Server item Details
IBM HTTP Server installation location For example: C:\IBM\HTTPServer\
IBM HTTP Server version
IBM HTTP Server httpd.conf file directory path For example: C:\IBM\HTTPServer\conf\
web server definition name For example: webserver1
web server plugin-cfg.xml file directory path For example: C:\IBM\HTTPServer\Plugins\config\webserver1\
IBM HTTP Server host name
IBM HTTP Server fully qualified host name
IBM HTTP Server IP address
IBM HTTP Server communication port For example: 80
IBM HTTP Server administration port For example: 8008
Run IBM HTTP Server as a service? (Y/N)
Run IBM HTTP administration as a service? (Y/N)
IBM HTTP Server administrator ID
IBM HTTP Server administrator password

Cognos BI Server and Transformer

Table 8. Cognos BI Server and Transformer details
Cognos BI Server and Transformer item Details
Cognos BI Server and Transformer Refer to the file.
Installation location for BI server, such as:
  • AIX or Linux: /opt/IBM/CognosBI
  • Windows: C:\Program Files\IBM\Cognos
Installation location for Transformer server, such as:
  • AIX or Linux: /opt/IBM/CognosTF
  • Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Cognos
Administrator ID
Administrative password

Connections Content Manager

Table 9. Connections Content Manager details
Connections Content Manager item Details
connectionsAdmin alias For multiple cells - must be defined to be same username/password.
filenetAdmin alias Stores object store administrator credentials used to access the FileNet® Collaboration Services URL.
FileNet Collaboration Services URL (HTTP) For example: http://fncs_server:port/dm
FileNet Collaboration Services URL (HTTPS) For example: https://fncs_server:port/dm
FileNet Collaboration Services anonymous role
Global configuration data (GCD) admins
Object store admins
FileNet P8 domain name For new deployment of FileNet it is: ICDomain
Object store name For new deployment of FileNet it is: ICObjectStore


Table 10. Libraries details
Connections Content Manager item Details
Libraries server name
Libraries cluster member name
Libraries FileNet object store database server host name
Libraries FileNet object store database server port number
Libraries FileNet object store database name The default name is FNOS
Libraries FileNet object store database application user ID
Libraries FileNet object store database application user password
Libraries FileNet global configuration database server host name
Libraries FileNet global configuration database server port number
Libraries FileNet global configuration database name The default name is FNGCD
Libraries FileNet global configuration database application user ID
Libraries FileNet global configuration database application user password