Run administration and maintenance tasks to keep your environment up-to-date. For example, learn how to customize your deployment or how to use the wsadmin utility to edit configuration files. You can also schedule tasks, maintain application databases, moderate content, or manage users and their roles.
The following sections document the areas of the product that you can configure and administer. Refer to an application-specific section for information about administering that application. Settings that apply to all of the applications are described in the Administering common areas section of the documentation.
The following features are new or updated for Communities in IBM®
Connections version 5.5.
- Documentation for the Media Gallery app is finally deprecated
in this release of IBM Connections. Note: The Gallery app replaces the Media Gallery app.
- Commands LCConfigService.showConfig() and LCConfigService.updateConfig() now support the property.
The following features are new for Forums in IBM Connections version
- Forum-creator role support. Users with the forum-creator role can create forums. Your administrator can enable the forum-creator role.
- Attachment search. You can search for attachments to forum topics and replies using the IBM Connections Search app as attachments are now indexed.
New and updated features
The following features are new or updated in version 5.5.
IBM® Connections
- The IBM Verse theme is the new default theme in IBM Connections version 5.5.
- Files over 10MB can be uploaded and attached to an Activity. See Setting limits on uploaded files
- Configure File uploads through the IBM HTTP Server. Configure the IBM HTTP Server to manage file uploads from Activities and Files. This approach is more efficient than using the IBM WebSphere® Application Server to receive files larger than 500 MB
- Enable Sync for files in the Files application so that users can so work offline with files in the Sync folder and keep them synchronized when others are collaborating on them.
- External users from outside your company or organization can collaborate on files that are shared with them.
- Comments in Files supports the use @mentions, a method of notifying colleagues of a post.
- The Thumbnail view is a gallery of images that represent files. The thumbnail shows the file's status (private, community, or shared externally), sync status, and whether version conflicts might exist. Hovering over a thumbnail image opens its reverse side where file details appear and actions to download and preview are available.
- File Preview becomes available when you click anywhere on the back of the thumbnail to get an advance viewing of the file. The file preview should give you enough information about the file's content to decide whether you want to download it.
- Using Push Notification technology, file sync can scale to multiple clients and the clients can update their content faster when something changes on the server. The clients detect the availability of the push service automatically. If you decide to use push technology for file sync then the server configuration needs to be changed as described in Enable Sync
- The existing My Notifications, @mention, and Action required views are now consolidated into a single Notifications Center view.
- Events are now grouped as follows:
- The Notifications view is now grouped by Like and Comment. Previously each individual like or comment was a separate entry.
- Type-ahead search remembers what you looked for. IBM Connections version 5.5 introduces smart type-ahead search. When you start typing in the search box, the system will try to guess what you are looking for. IBM Connections version 5.5 remembers who you've recently collaborated with and what you've recently collaborated on.
- In IBM Connections 5.5 you can now prioritize your own content when searching through content. When you perform a search, simply click Rank My Content Higher to prioritize your content in the returned search results.
- Integrating with other products. IBM Connections for Mac supports features for you to share and access the latest version of an IBM Connections file. Use sync to keep selected files synchronized with exact copies on the server. You can also view and resolve sync issues using the file sync monitor.