DB2 instructions for AIX


  1. Make sure the locale is set to: en_US.ISO8859-1 or en_US.ISO8859-15. The locale setting is required by Cognos® Transformer for building PowerCube.
    • Run the following command first before manually running the script to build the cube:
      export LC_ALL=en_US.ISO8859-1
    • Use the following command to edit the cron jobs to set the locale for scheduled PowerCube generation tasks:
      crontab -e
      For example, change both daily-refresh.sh and weekly-rebuild.sh cron jobs from:
      05 00 * * 1-6 /opt/IBM/Cognos/metricsmodel/daily-refresh.sh
      05 00 * * 0 /opt/IBM/Cognos/metricsmodel/weekly-rebuild.sh
      05 00 * * 1-6 export LC_ALL=en_US.ISO8859-1; /opt/IBM/Cognos/metricsmodel/daily-refresh.sh
      05 00 * * 0 export LC_ALL=en_US.ISO8859-1; /opt/IBM/Cognos/metricsmodel/weekly-rebuild.sh
  2. Copy libdb2.a from the lib32 folder under <db2client_home_directory>, and paste it to <transformer_installation_directory>/bin folder.
    Note: Cognos Transformer is a 32-bit application, but the DB2® client is 64-bit. This incompatibility can cause issues when Transformer accesses the database. Associated errors that might occur are: UDA-SQL-0569 Unable to unable to load driver manager library (liddb2.a(shr.o) and cannot load module shr.o. To resolve this problem, copy the 32-bit compatible library provided by the DB2 client to the Transformer location.
  3. Use the following command to edit the cron jobs to set the LD_PRELOAD for scheduled cube generation tasks:
    crontab -e
    For example, change both daily-refresh.sh and weekly-rebuild.sh cron jobs from:
    05 00 * * 1-6 /opt/IBM/Cognos/metricsmodel/daily-refresh.sh
    05 00 * * 0 /opt/IBM/Cognos/metricsmodel/weekly-rebuild.sh
    05 00 * * 1-6 export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libfreebl3.so; /opt/IBM/Cognos/metricsmodel/daily-refresh.sh
    05 00 * * 0 export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libfreebl3.so; /opt/IBM/Cognos/metricsmodel/weekly-rebuild.sh
    Note: Be careful about the path of the libfreebl3.so file. In the earlier step, the 64bit libfreebl3.so in /usr/lib64/ folder is used when installing Cognos components. In this step, the 32-bit version in lib folder should be used.