You can customize the email message that is sent to users
as part of the daily and weekly email digests.
Before you begin
Important: Before making
any customizations, first back up your original notifications folder.
In addition, ensure that any customized files are backed up before
performing a product upgrade or applying a cumulative refresh or fix
pack, as you might need to merge your changes again manually after
making updates.
About this task
The content of the daily and weekly email digests is defined
in templates that are processed by the FreeMarker engine. These templates
are used for each recipient of the daily or weekly email digest. You
can customize the content of the email digests by modifying the existing
template files or by replacing the files with custom templates that
you create yourself. You can also modify the notification properties
files to add custom strings to the email digests and modify the images
used in email digests.The property named emailDigestBean is passed
to the daily and weekly email digest templates. This property stores
information about the digest that is related to email digest recipient.
It is an instance of the class IEmailDigestStoriesContainer. For more
information about the IEmailDigestStoriesContainer class, refer to
the following web page:
Customize the content of the email message used for the
daily and weekly email digests by completing one or more of the following
- To customize the existing template files:
- Using a text editor, open the dailyDigest.ftl and weeklyDigest.ftl template
files from the following location:
app_server_root is
the WebSphere® Application
Server installation directory and
dm_profile_root is
the Deployment Manager profile directory, typically dmgr01.
- Make your customizations to the templates as needed.
For information about editing the templates, refer to the FreeMarker
documentation on the following web page: Note: The Freemarker version currently used is 2.3.15.
main templates used are
dailyDigest.ftl and
To change the styles and structure of both weekly and daily digests,
make your customizations to the
style.ftl file
in the
aggregated folder.
The aggregated folder
is shared by the daily and weekly digest and is specific to them.
The folder is located in notifications/news/aggregated.
- Save your changes and then close the files.
- Synchronize all the nodes using the IBM WebSphere Application
Server Integrated Solutions Console.
- Stop and restart the News application.
- To use your own custom templates instead of the default
- Create the templates by following the instructions provided
in the FreeMarker documentation on this web page:
- Save the templates in the following directory:
- Register the custom templates in the notification-config.xml file.
- Open a command prompt, and then change to the following directory
on the system on which you installed the Deployment Manager:
where app_server_root is
the WebSphere Application
Server installation directory and dm_profile_root is
the Deployment Manager profile directory, typically dmgr01. For example,
on Windows:C:/Program Files/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01/bin
Attention: You must run the following command to start the wsadmin
client from this specific directory because the Jython files for the
product are stored here. If you try to start the client from a different
directory, then the execfile() command that you subsequently call
to initialize the administration environment for an IBM Connections application does not work correctly.
- Enter the following command to start the wsadmin client:
- AIX or Linux:
./ -lang jython -user admin_user_id -password admin_password -port SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS Port
- Microsoft Windows:
wsadmin -lang jython -user admin_user_id -password admin_password -port SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS Port
- admin_user_id is the user name of a person
in the Administrator role on the IBM WebSphere Application Server.
- admin_password is the password of the WebSphere Application Server
for the WebSphere Application
Server. The default value of the SOAP port is 8879. If you are using
the default port value, you do not need to specify this parameter.
If you are not using the default and you do not know the port number,
you can look up its value in the WebSphere Application
Server Integrated Solution Console. To look up the SOAP port number,
perform the following steps:
- Open the WebSphere Application
Server Integrated Solution Console for the deployment manager, and
then select .
- In the Additional properties section expand Ports,
and then look for the SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS port entry to find the
port number.
For example:
- Use the following command to access the IBM Connections configuration files:
- Check out the notification-config.xml file
using the following command:
- Using a text editor, open the notification-config.xml file
from the temporary directory to which you checked it out.
- Look for the following section of code and replace the value of
the ftl property for each digest type with the file name of your new
<type name="dailyDigest" notificationType="FOLLOW">
<channel name="email" enabled="true">
<property name="sender"></property>
<property name="ftl">dailyDigest.ftl</property>
<type name="weeklyDigest" notificationType="FOLLOW">
<channel enabled="true" name="email">
<property name="sender"></property>
<property name="ftl">weeklyDigest.ftl</property>
- Save your changes and close the notification-config.xml file.
- Check the configuration files back in using the following command:
- To exit the wsadmin client, type exit at
the prompt.
- Synchronize all the nodes using the Integrated Solutions Console.
- Stop and restart all the IBM Connections
application servers.
- To edit the text strings used in the email digest:
- Using a text editor, open the files
from one of the following directories and make your changes:
- News strings:
- Shared strings:
language_code is the locale of the language.
For example,
Tip: To see where each string that you are editing is used,
look at the
.ftl template files in the same directory
and check the statements with the following format:
the key of a translated string in the resource bundle files.
that the notification framework will look in the application-specific
resources folder before moving to the shared strings in the shared
resources folder.
- Save your changes and then close the files.
- Synchronize all the nodes using the Integrated Solutions
- Stop and restart the News application.
- To customize the images used in the email digest:
Note: Email
digests include an IBM Connections
logo image and individual application icons.
- Locate the images in the following directory:
- Replace any image that you want to customize with your
own version using the same file name.
The images are sent
as MIME attachments to each email digest, so ensure that the image
size is small.
- Synchronize all the nodes using the Integrated Solutions
- Stop and restart the News application.